Antropologa, periodista, mama activa ...

Rakel Dominguez

Ecovillages and rural educational projects as drivers of a paradigm shift and promoters of rural repopulation

With Rakel Domínguez, president of the Semilla Monte Alegre Association and main promoter and guardian of the IKI-GAIA ecovillage, we will reflect together on the important role played by ecovillages and rural educational projects.
IKI-GAIA, we will reflect together on the important role that ecovillages and rural communities and educational projects play in the construction of a new paradigm and a resilient future.

In this workshop we will address from a systemic point of view some of the problems that we have to take co-responsibility for in order to counteract the pressing process of generalised depopulation that we are experiencing.

We will talk about the lack of intergenerational replacement, the inversion of the population pyramid, the socio-economic factors that favour it, etc. and we will explore together strategies to address these major challenges we face as a society.

About Rakel

Free soul, explorer and traveler, journalist and anthropologist, permaculturist heart, nutritionist, companion and facilitator of processes, her being feels universal mother at the service of the new humanity that is emerging.

Among her entrepreneurships the Gaia Learning Community, an educational project of free pedagogy that is based on permaculture and the discovery of ikigai (purpose of life or reason for being) and the gifts and talents of each being, which after completing her 4th year of operating has begun a process of transformation growing into ecovillage and towards a school of life for all generations.

In addition, she is the main promoter of the Spanish platform GAIA-VESAD that has emerged as a result of the pandemic to create a network between the group of professionals in the field of education and groups of people living with dependent children who want to exercise their right to choose the best education for them (including home schooling), to promote together the new educational paradigm and the change that the planet and humanity need.

IKI-ǴAIA, a replicable ecovillage model with a very innovative holistic approach adapted to the transitional times we live in and with a Healing Biotope as the cornerstone of the vision, is their big baby.
This project, which he has been dreaming and designing for more than 13 years, and the last few years together with his partner and father of his son through the association they founded, Semilla Monte Alegre, and which has already manifested itself with the purchase of more than 240 hectares of land, is the fruit of a lifetime's journey.

Promoting permaculture and regeneration of the planet, the holistic development of the being, as well as the recovery of sovereignty in the areas of food, health, energy and, with special emphasis, in education to promote rural repopulation and the development of sustainable settlements around rural educational projects and the return to the land in complete coherence, is their raison d'être.

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