school of the third millennium
We are born geniuses and become idiots
Our children and the future of humanity deserve an educational model centred on BEING 💞 where they learn to see UNITY.
This school is not a "preparation for life" - the school is LIFE itself. They live every moment they breathe. The joy of creating real things and giving real help is the most rewarding thing!
They do it all, with the mission to reclaim our true essence and bring back to planet Earth the era of consciousness and peace.
The pupils of this school grow up with a stable and beautiful personality, broadly educated, not only intellectually, but also with the heart. Mentally, physically and spiritually developed beings.
🌸 The school encourages the enormous creative power revealed in every human being 🌺.
Children are responsible, cooperative, clear and firm about their ideals and goals, they acquire a personality that is perceived as part of the WHOLE contributing to the improvement of humanity.

Mikhail Petrovich SCHETININ
For 3 decades now, a Russian visionary, Mikhail Schetinin, has been breaking down both traditional and "alternative" views of education, while at the same time creating the new future of humanity.
"The human being can do everything. Our purpose is the elevation of the human being, to act in harmony with society, a human being who is able to see and analyse the phenomena around him and who can feel their interconnectedness, perceive the world as a whole”.
"It is very important that children feel free, come and go as they please! Here we don't give importance to age, teachers and pupils mix. We reject the idea that someone has to be taught. Our collective ancestral memory has the knowledge of the laws of the cosmos, as well as the techniques for living in cosmic space, so we reject the idea that there is something that the pupil does not know".
The official mathematics curriculum that other children do in 10 years of schooling at KIN they learn it all in 1 year. In addition, they also cover the entire secondary school curriculum in one year, and many of them acquire university degrees by the age of 17.
When they study, they don't worry about grades, but about how they will explain what they have learned to other classmates and how they will be able to pass it on. That is the motivation they need to learn, because what they learn, they will have to teach to the next generation.
They have been entrusted with the principle of the learning process and place great importance on service to others. What they do learn very well is to understand the soul, aspirations and thoughts of other individuals. Mathematics in itself is not important, but as a process towards TRUTH. the evening they always take an hour to reflect on the day and their relationships with each other and the world.

Their schedules are divided between cooking, carpentry, construction, painting frescoes on the walls...
🥗 They cook their own meals, do administrative work and write their own textbooks. They contemplate the meaning of the Universe and swim in mountain streams. They dance, draw, sing and pick strawberries in the surrounding fields...They master ancient folk crafts awakening their ancestral memory, which goes beyond any written history we now know....
Girls choose not to wear miniskirts, make-up or eye-catching jewellery. They are not interested in TV or video games.
In general they have hardly any teachers, only a few teachers of music, English, sewing... The boarding school is organised in groups of pupils where a mentor is in charge of 4 children younger than him in order to support them in everything and not allow them to fall behind in their studies.
If you want to know more about the school named in the Anastasia books watch the following video?👇
Children and adolescents have designed, built and decorated their own campus. All school facilities, including study spaces, an auditorium, administrative office, kitchen area, dining area, toilets, showers, flats and other facilities have been designed and built by the students.
All these construction works are full of delicacy and beauty and reflect the inner nature and talents of the students and the excellent quality of the school activities.
At the beginning of September we will run (and offer some places to interested people (very limited places!! )) the 2-week ISKA-certified seminar formatimo level 1 to deepen the knowledge of mathematics and biology and to initiate the whole school community in synchronisation.
During the months of April, May and June we will be holding 1-day introductory seminars in 3 languages in our ecovillage (Spanish, German and English). To see our calendar of events click here. Remember that you must have participated in a 1-day seminar to participate in a 2-week seminar.
Send us an email to if you would like to initiate contact. We invite you to participate in an online meeting and fill in this survey, so that we can send you the invitation link to the meeting and/or tell you more details about the upcoming 1-day introductory seminars and face-to-face meetings where you can meet us (very limited places!!).
If you are interested in joining an ecovillage project with these values, we invite you to read all the information we have published in the ecovillage section of our website to come with as much information as possible to our meeting. If you haven't read anything yet, you can start with this post.
All of you who donate at least €50 will be included in the project's list of supporters so that you can be kept informed of important developments. In addition to all the advantages we offer to supporters, you can ask us for more information about the characteristics of each participation model.
We share with you the abundance account set up for the IKI-GAIA project in case, instead of donating through the platform, you prefer to make a transfer and you are BORN from NOW to contribute with a contribution to support this 1st Phase.
#bankaccount #sma
Beneficiary: Semilla Monte Alegre
ES56 3058 0769 4427 2002 7693
Concept: donation IKI-GAIA + mail (so we can include you in the internal list and keep you informed)
Blessings to all those of you who have the WILL
to contribute to CHANGE
We leave you the direct link to subscribe to our newsletter if you are interested in following the progress of our Permaculture projects, the IKI-GAIA educational project and the educational cooperative we are creating, the IKI-GAIA ecovillage, the training and events programme, etc.
If you feel that this is what your heart is looking for, it is your moment to take the step to create what you believe in and live in a tribe in an ecovillage of children and beings committed to their role of being leaders and willing to do individual and group work, or, if you are preparing to take the step to join a project like this in the coming years, we invite you to become a member of our association by clicking here and ask us by mail for more confidential information about the project, so we can start the process of approaching each other 😉
Donations of all kinds, with best wishes for prosperity and blessings, are most welcome to continue moving forward with the materialisation of this replicable model that will soon be able to serve, as envisioned in the vision, all that needs it in this transitory phase we live in where it is necessary to surf the waves while the civilisational collapse is bottoming out, and a new humanity and a new paradigm emerge with strength and light.