Would you like to participate in the second intergenerational training camp held in Spain with the support of ISKA to deepen your understanding of Schetinin’s holistic pedagogy and model?
Watch this video to get a feeling
If you are passionate about life and like to learn in a caring transgenerational and multicultural environment, you are open to new challenges that push you to continue developing as a complete, intuitive BEING, capable of understanding what is best for you and for everyone, and you like to accompany processes of personal and group growth and development of people in your environment (family, work, associations…) THIS IS YOUR BIG OPPORTUNITY!
Click here to see the pdf
Write to us at semilla@semillamontealegre.org telling us your ikigai, your dream for yourself, your project, your kids, your family …
Welcome to know, feel and co-create together another reality, our New World, with firm values of honesty, love, fraternity, humility, attitude of being at service, value of the word and trust!
In IKI-GAIA there is room for many more dreams and, above all, dreamers/cocreators/entrepreneurs!!!
Blessings and Greetings