Dear people interested in approaching our project and see if it can be an option for you, your children, collaborate, spend some time, or invest…

Do you want to stay for one or two days? Great! Do you want to stay the whole week? Excellent! Give us a call and check out availability for accommodation and prices!

The time has come to offer our 1 week of experience in IKI-GAIA and dedicate ourselves to you; to explain our situation, our conditions, how our individual and group development program ‘PerteneSER’ works, what are our objectives (short/medium/long) term and mission that lead us to manifest the great Vision that we are bringing to land since the purchase of the 240 hectares last May 2022, ….

Ideally the experience week is preceded by:

1) participation in an online meeting (see calendar of events on our website to choose which one suits you best).

2) participation in an IKI-GAIA tour or a collaborative day or an information weekend (e.g. an open day) where you can get to know the project and its people and ask any questions that are important for your next steps in the project (see calendar of events on our website to choose which one suits you best).

If, after getting to know each other, both parties have the impression that it could work, then it is time to get to know each other better, deepen the vision of the project and the stakeholders, in the pioneering phase… and take the next step with the IKI-experience week, which is the second mandatory part of the process to join the community.

As we are still in the early stages of community building in Ikigaia, this time we exceptionally allow people to participate in the Experience Week who have not been here yet.

Why do you need a week’s experience as a prerequisite to go through the process?

If you only come as a volunteer, you will get a limited insight into the daily life of the community. This is not enough to decide if you really want to join this community project, and it is not enough for us to get to know you better and get an idea of whether you fit in with us and the timing of the project.

In everyday life, we are all busy with different tasks and the frequency of group meetings is less frequent, and sometimes it is also important for the driving group to stay together without including the volunteers in order to be able to talk about sensitive issues in confidence. Therefore, outside of the experience week, you only get to know the community very superficially and vice versa.

Working together is essential in the process of getting to know each other. That is why during our experience week we drink together for 2 hours a day. But it is much more than that. It is important that you get an overview of the different phases of the overall project, in which phase a work and financial commitment is expected and in which phase you are invited to participate in the decision making.

It is important that you understand in depth the vision of the project and whether you feel called to contribute with passion and high motivation to the realisation of this vision.

In this week we want to condense the experience in a community experimentation field to get to know each other intensively and, with the help of various community-tested tools, dive into the depths and enable openness and trust.

You deserve that we don’t leave you waiting too long to see whether or not we will see you with us. In order to use the time and energy of both of us as effectively as possible, we want to create a basis for both parties to decide within a short period of one week whether the next phase of becoming closer is imminent.

Content of the experience week:

Our proposal is aimed at all those who want to get to know our mission, vision, concrete goals and above all values, as well as the phase of building the core group in which we find ourselves, and to experience the community for a while, instead of just thinking about it, dreaming what it would be like or talking about it.

The seminar is a time to explore and practice the internal and external conditions of living together in trust, solidarity and honesty.

During this week, we experience how we create intimate spaces together and how personal growth can emerge from this security. The extended time together and the closeness with people gives you the opportunity to learn more about your emotional world, to become more aware of your needs and to develop a sense of self-efficacy and influence in a group. Cooperation and trust are the basis of this process. You will learn what helps and what hinders it.

In the following we give an outline of the contents that are important to us as a core group. We are aware that each of these points is a separate course and of course we will not be able to cover them all. However, we will organise the content of the experience week with this in mind and incorporate one or two tools depending on the situation:
– IKI-GAIA Vision and Values.
– Syntropic Agriculture applied to life,
– Regenerative Holistic Community Education. From an IKI-GAIA Learning Community to a Children’s Ecovillage
– Schetinin’s pedagogy and Tekos school (Russia),
– Values and sustainability goals of the GEN network,
– Holistic ecovillage design. Gaia Education’s 4 dimensions of sustainability and EDE (education for ecovillage design) training,
– Familiarisation with group communication methods such as the talking stick, Zegg forum, the sharing round from CNV (non-violent communication),
– Facilitation and group dynamics, (Spiral dynamics),
– intelligent handling of feelings, conflict resolution, trauma sensitivity and much more.
– Dealing with taboo topics such as money, power and sex.
– Decision-making through the council method and sociocracy.
The daily structure of our seminar is inspired by Schetinin’s pedagogical model, which has been applied in the Russian Tekos school for more than 30 years, where a community of children and teenagers from 10 to 21 years old live, learn about life and values, accompanied by holistic teachers (most of whom have studied and grown up in Tekos).

During this seminar you will have the opportunity to learn and deepen in this model from Rakel, founder of the ecovillage who has been trained in this pedagogy in Germany and Austria with ISKA and in Russia at the Tekos school, in addition to experiencing the advantages and benefits of the constant activation/synchronization of both hemispheres of the brain promoted by Schetinin, its founder, and the creation of an intergenerational learning environment where the transfer of knowledge occurs almost intuitively. A learning environment that they call ‘happy’ that allows these children to complete the mathematics, physics, chemistry… curriculum of all compulsory schooling in an average of 2 years and start distance university careers at the age of 13. This is why in 2012 it was declared one of the best pedagogies in the world by UNESCO.

You will get an idea of the intensity and density of life in an intentional community, you will learn tools to deal with it constructively and creatively and, above all, you will get to know the people of Ikigaia and vice versa.

If you want to know more about the contribution we ask for to participate in this proposal and would like to register, write to us at semilla@semillamontealegre.org or call us at +34659109809.

The event is finished.


18 - 24 Nov 2024


All Day

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