Coming to Light to Heal

We choose to put our energy at the service of LIFE and the New World that awaits us

Choosing to embody great dreams comes with great challenges

As we slow down, following the rhythm that Nature invites us to embrace in this winter season, we have closed a year of much movement with gratitude and wise decisions, a year in which we have had to hold many group processes related to the New Age, the power "over," patriarchy, and capitalism—things we want to leave behind but that continue to infiltrate projects for the New Humanity like IKI-GAIA.

We all intend to co-create a new world, a place that meets our needs and desires. Yet, unexpected challenges arise, and since we are not prepared… difficulties emerge. Strong challenges will keep confronting us until we bravely shed that inheritance we carry automatically. Until we find a way to sustain ourselves on this path with empathy, humility, kindness, and mutual support. Until we are ready.

A year in which, despite facing intense difficulties in finding strategies that meet everyone's needs and vision, we organized open-door events every month, seminars and family camps with the Shchetinin methodology, three worldschooling programs for families that brought us valuable learning, courses and workshops on syntropic agriculture, cooking, and fermentation, our first "Experience Week," Nonviolent Communication (NVC) courses, seminars on council practices, conflict mediation, and more. We planted over 60 fruit trees, grew many vegetables, created a windbreak syntropic line with hundreds of shrubs, plants, and trees, harvested and fermented numerous vegetables, and built a chicken coop.

A year in which we did not succumb to the pressure to give up or sell out because some people wanted to leave for various reasons (as happens in most projects during the first two years) and wanted their money back immediately. Instead, we kept co-creating the world we want to see with VALUES, coherence, and integrity!

We don't see things as they ARE but as WE ARE

A year where, above all, we kept building positively and with trust, moving away from fear, enjoying every stage, with an intention to grow and overcome obstacles, loving every challenge and every challenger. For all of them bring us learning and, most importantly, an opportunity for inner recognition and growth. Compassion (including for oneself) is the force that drives and sustains us.


Focusing on community creation and healing from a new paradigm

Where there is much LIGHT, there is also much DARKNESS

We continue to grow and seek the "right tools" to navigate the path and overcome obstacles (mostly related to the infamous "HFP": human factor problem) as we embark on something as revolutionary and necessary as co-creating a Biotope of Healing-Action outside the capitalist system.

Our Nonviolent Communication training is the KEY—a small but significant contribution to the process of "looking within," understanding conflicts (inevitable in communal living), and deepening self-connection and connection with others.

NVC, an essential part of our individual and group development program Permaneser and a requirement for membership in the project, gives us opportunities to grow by becoming aware of the needs behind words and actions. Often, these are driven by insecurity, fear, despair, helplessness, and misunderstanding. These valuable needs protect other needs but must be transformed and directed to serve life, creating new strategies that care for the COMMON GOOD while meeting individual needs.

An opportunity to look deeper into the baggage and traumas we carry.

We continue to grow and enjoy the journey

Why? To regenerate and regenerate ourselves on all levels. To cooperate with Mother Gaia in creating abundance for all. To grow a small ecovillage of like-minded people willing to cooperate in these mountains. To repopulate the area by offering jobs. To allow our children and the next seven generations to be born, grow, and thrive in an optimal environment of abundant nature. Above all, with TRUST and in PEACE, while recovering our sovereignties in education, food, energy...

Why? Because it is our ikigai, our purpose in life, our reason for BEING!

And yours? What is it? What can you contribute to this pioneering phase?

A warm and loving embrace from the guardian of IKI-GAIA.
Check our event calendar to see the upcoming activities!!

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