Coming to Light to Heal

We choose to put our energy at the service of LIFE and the New World that awaits us

Choosing to embody great dreams comes with great challenges

As we slow down, following the rhythm that Nature invites us to embrace in this winter season, we have closed a year of much movement with gratitude and wise decisions, a year in which we have had to hold many group processes related to the New Age, the power "over," patriarchy, and capitalism—things we want to leave behind but that continue to infiltrate projects for the New Humanity like IKI-GAIA.

We all intend to co-create a new world, a place that meets our needs and desires. Yet, unexpected challenges arise, and since we are not prepared… difficulties emerge. Strong challenges will keep confronting us until we bravely shed that inheritance we carry automatically. Until we find a way to sustain ourselves on this path with empathy, humility, kindness, and mutual support. Until we are ready.

A year in which, despite facing intense difficulties in finding strategies that meet everyone's needs and vision, we organized open-door events every month, seminars and family camps with the Shchetinin methodology, three worldschooling programs for families that brought us valuable learning, courses and workshops on syntropic agriculture, cooking, and fermentation, our first "Experience Week," Nonviolent Communication (NVC) courses, seminars on council practices, conflict mediation, and more. We planted over 60 fruit trees, grew many vegetables, created a windbreak syntropic line with hundreds of shrubs, plants, and trees, harvested and fermented numerous vegetables, and built a chicken coop.

A year in which we did not succumb to the pressure to give up or sell out because some people wanted to leave for various reasons (as happens in most projects during the first two years) and wanted their money back immediately. Instead, we kept co-creating the world we want to see with VALUES, coherence, and integrity!

We don't see things as they ARE but as WE ARE

A year where, above all, we kept building positively and with trust, moving away from fear, enjoying every stage, with an intention to grow and overcome obstacles, loving every challenge and every challenger. For all of them bring us learning and, most importantly, an opportunity for inner recognition and growth. Compassion (including for oneself) is the force that drives and sustains us.


Focusing on community creation and healing from a new paradigm

Where there is much LIGHT, there is also much DARKNESS

We continue to grow and seek the "right tools" to navigate the path and overcome obstacles (mostly related to the infamous "HFP": human factor problem) as we embark on something as revolutionary and necessary as co-creating a Biotope of Healing-Action outside the capitalist system.

Our Nonviolent Communication training is the KEY—a small but significant contribution to the process of "looking within," understanding conflicts (inevitable in communal living), and deepening self-connection and connection with others.

NVC, an essential part of our individual and group development program Permaneser and a requirement for membership in the project, gives us opportunities to grow by becoming aware of the needs behind words and actions. Often, these are driven by insecurity, fear, despair, helplessness, and misunderstanding. These valuable needs protect other needs but must be transformed and directed to serve life, creating new strategies that care for the COMMON GOOD while meeting individual needs.

An opportunity to look deeper into the baggage and traumas we carry.

We continue to grow and enjoy the journey

Why? To regenerate and regenerate ourselves on all levels. To cooperate with Mother Gaia in creating abundance for all. To grow a small ecovillage of like-minded people willing to cooperate in these mountains. To repopulate the area by offering jobs. To allow our children and the next seven generations to be born, grow, and thrive in an optimal environment of abundant nature. Above all, with TRUST and in PEACE, while recovering our sovereignties in education, food, energy...

Why? Because it is our ikigai, our purpose in life, our reason for BEING!

And yours? What is it? What can you contribute to this pioneering phase?

A warm and loving embrace from the guardian of IKI-GAIA.
Check our event calendar to see the upcoming activities!!



The agro-ecological approach that landscaping and our way of cohabiting the land needs!

"Life in Syntropy". Introduction to Syntropic Agriculture. Dayana Andrade and Felipe Pasini


Syntropic Agriculture, also known as syntropy, is based on an understanding of natural succession practices and the value of biodiversity. Its key is the creation of agricultural systems that simulate native forests.

This system involves growing a wide range of crops, including tall trees, shrubs and vegetables, to form a microclimate suitable for crop growth and to encourage land and ecosystem rehabilitation. It is a particularly intensive form of agroforestry that mimics the establishment of an optimal natural ecosystem such as that of natural virgin forests.

This practice is an alternative to standard soil conservation practices, and has the potential to generate abundant food, revive damaged areas and optimise energy and water absorption.

It is important to understand the basics of plant sociology, soil biology and supporting factors such as mycorrhizae and other biostimulants such as humic substances. Its methodology is based on a combination of biology, chemistry, ecology and botany and can be applied on both small and large-scale farms, providing a sustainable solution for rural areas.


While classical agroforestry is often combined with livestock, on the one hand for multiple land use, and on the other hand for direct fertilisation and tillage by the animals, syntrophic agriculture is based purely on the smallest possible cycles of the cultivated land itself. Integrating livestock is possible but not necessary.

This means that trees and shrubs are regularly pruned, grasses are mowed and crop residues are used. Together, this serves as mulch and compost, prevents soil loss from heat, wind or heavy rains, increases microbial activity, regulates weeds and constantly returns nutrients to the soil.

Continuous humus accumulation and permanent root penetration ensures long-term fertility, creates an aerial structure in the soil that maximises WATER holding capacity and contributes to climate stabilisation through massive CO2 storage in the soil.

In the long term, syntropic farming is much less expensive than conventional or organic farming because no inputs are used, irrigation becomes unnecessary and the system is largely self-sufficient. In addition, no large machinery is needed.


The IKI-GAIA project has the great advantage of having a Mediterranean forest redoubt of great landscape and climatic value that has the peculiarity of a humid forest (thanks to the phenomenon of horizontal rain) but that, being in the sunny side (with south, east and west face), enjoys a unique microclimate conducive to the development of endemic species.

The 240 hectares of IKI-GAIA are a true living laboratory of biodiversity and inspiration with a great abundance of exotic birds (Rabilargos, a bird with beautiful blue plumage, an endemism that is usually seen on the southwest Atlantic slope and here exceptionally, Arrendajos, Chaobas piquirrojas (small crow) of Zafarraya, even Oropendolas!!!), wildlife and a very unique exuberant flora.

On the Puerto del Sol estate we find amongst other native trees and shrubs such as hawthorn, rosa canina.... 4 species of the holm oak family, a true redoubt of the typical Mediterranean forest that has almost disappeared...

1) Coscoja (stunted oak or chaparro)

2) Quejigo (normally only found in the Serrania de ronda, sierra de las nieves, grazalema, in Cadiz, and some specimens in casabermeja but only here in the Axarquia😍)

3) Aleppo oak

4) Holm oak


Syntropic agriculture in Granada


La Loma is a project farm, applying the principles of Permaculture, a revolutionary approach to agriculture and the design of human settlements in harmony with nature.

La Loma Viva is located on 7.5 hectares of terraced farmland at the foot of the Sierra Nevada mountain range, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, on the coast of Granada in southern Spain.

Its vision is to unite Earth Care and People Care by offering a platform for research, practice and learning in Permaculture and personal growth, developing tools to promote the health and resilience of people and places.

La Loma Viva aims to create an environment where people and plants can thrive, where it is possible to learn about all the interconnected manifestations of life and where we can rediscover our inherent participatory relationship with the earth as a living being.

More info:




In our work as consultants, designers, permaculturists, gardeners, horticulturists, anthropologists, facilitators of change... we too often come across a fundamental deficit: LACK OF A BROAD, HOLISTIC AND SYSTEMIC VISION OF AGRICULTURAL, HUMAN AND LANDSCAPE PROJECTS.

What is the strategy, are the objectives compatible with the geographical and climatic location, are we really colonisers when we want to think of ourselves as ‘indigenous’, and do we see ourselves as ‘indigenous’?
Do we see ourselves and the environment or do we reproduce a civilising introject against the ecosystems?

In the course on syntropic agriculture we will learn how to read landscapes and analyse the principles and tools of design, philosophy and cultural prejudices in our decision making from a systemic point of view.



The first agricultural course in Malaga, which we were able to hold in an explosive natural environment with a Mediterranean forest of gall oaks and centenary holm oaks, took place in June 2024.

The programme we have prepared for the weekend of the 29th and 30th of June is full of impulses and opportunities to integrate an arsenal of good practices, as well as very wise advice, which you can apply to your own project and your life from now on.

Through the planned theory and practice sessions you will gain a more holistic understanding of landscape reading, fundamental to be able to introduce small interventions and improvements in our living and working environments, and take responsibility for our important role as project designers and cohabitators of the great Gaia Being, Mother Earth.

This time the course will be in Spanish, but we will be able to translate simultaneously into English or German.

Click here to see the detailed programme


Interdisciplinary syntropic team


Robert is a member of Al-Khadra Granada regenerativa and a farmer, consultant, educator, conflict mediator, political scientist and philosopher. He has lived for 12 years in Gualchos, a small village in the lower Alpujarra of Granada. He was born in Germany and spent his childhood in the woods. After some academic studies, his hands asked him to touch the earth again. Robert tries to observe, listen and learn in order to sow seeds, ideas and projects.

In his journey he has had the good fortune to share the path with great masters and tragozars in Germany, Belgium, France, Portugal, Brazil and Spain. In Gualchos she has been collaborating for the last decade with the foundation La Loma Viva. On this beautiful farm he started 7 years ago a path towards Syntropic Agriculture with a series of consultations and courses with Ernst Götsch, the inventor and pioneer of this method and philosophy.

Robert was Ernst's interpreter and assisted in the preparation, development and follow-up of the courses and experimental crops. These cultures were amplified with courses by Dayana Andrade and Felipe Pasini, co-creators of Life in Syntropy. And then with courses given by Karen de Vries, Ryan Botha and Felipe Amato of TERRA network.
Previously Robert had known and practiced agroecology in a subtropical climate with Mestre Nildo and environmental education in Lençois, Bahia, Brazil. And in the temperate climate of Brittany, France according to the principles of Pierre Rabhi.

In Spain he learnt permaculture with Alex Kruger and Dor Havkin. A holistic vision which has been guiding him ever since. Thanks to Darren and Linda Doherty he is enthusiastic about Regenerative Agriculture. He is deeply inspired by Agroecology, Permaculture, Natural, Regenerative and Syntropic Agriculture. Robert organised and facilitated a series of workshops with Al-Khadra Regenerative Pomegranate on several farms in the province.

He is also a consultant to members of the association and feels the joy of cultivating and reforesting together with friends.

With Rakel and Sergio he shares a vision of the possible, the present and the future. And a great desire to learn, meet and co-create with you.


Ernst Götsch is not only a grower and researcher, but also a pioneer in the field of Syntropic Agriculture who has dedicated his life to the advancement of sustainable agriculture. Born in 1948 in Switzerland, Götsch has more than three decades of experience in reclaiming depleted land through his imaginative Syntropic Farming techniques.

His innovative approach, Syntropic Agriculture, integrates food production with the natural regeneration of forests to create sustainable agricultural ecosystems. His work has taken him to various parts of the world, but he is primarily based in Brazil, where he has had the opportunity to create a model of sustainable agriculture that has motivated farmers around the world.

His approach unites food creation with the recovery of characteristic timberlands. Through this methodology, he has had the option to build biological farming systems that replicate the structure and capacity of regular forests. These biological systems are designed to amplify vitality based on sunlight and water uptake, and to restore degraded land while producing abundant food.

One of the key points of Götsch's Syntropic Agriculture is its emphasis on accelerating common forms of progression to create a self-sufficient framework that relies on characteristic procedures to create biomass, increase soil richness and restore biodiversity.

More info:


Besides being a mother, anthropologist, journalist, vegan cook, social permaculturist, educator in sustainability and accompanist/guide in the Schetinin holistic pedagogy and model, facilitator in the design of ecovillages and processes tending to the development of the New Humanity, Rakel feels like a free soul and traveller.

After living in many corners of the planet investigating other ways of cohabiting and cultivating the land, and getting to know other cultures, tribes, communities and ecovillages in 4 continents, she decided to return close to her place of origin (Malaga) to grow her food and continue learning about water management to contribute to the process of counteracting the pressing desertification she saw in the south, co-creating what she calls a HEALING-Biotope.

IKI-GAIA, the project under construction of ecovillage + School of Life from the basis of Permaculture (projected for children and the next 7 generations) + HEALING-Biotope located on a beautiful land of 240 hectares in the Axarquia region of Malaga with springs, oak and gall oak forests and a flora and fauna of great value is her great life project, the result of a life dedicated to the service of a Greater Common Good.

Through techniques of Water Retention in Landscapes such as those applied in Tamera (where she was trained), the vision is to increase biodiversity, reforest with native trees such as yews, Spanish firs, stone pines... and food forests in parts of the farm (where the bioclimatic campsite, the educational complex of Schetinin, the Adventure Park...) to renaturalise the area (rewilding project).

To practice, encourage and promote permaculture and regeneration of the planet, the holistic development of the BEING, as well as the recovery of sovereignty in the areas of food, health, energy and, with special emphasis, in education (to encourage rural repopulation around schools, communities, ecovillages...) as well as to remember the importance of THE RETURN TO THE EARTH in complete ecoheritage, are its ikigai, reason for BEING.


Sergio Pareja Martín (51 years old) has been involved in organic farming for 25 years, the last 8 years helping others in their urban gardens, orchards, vegetable gardens and farms in the design and management of healthy spaces. He has worked in his own plots dedicated to edible forest, in school gardens throughout the Axarquia region, as well as in urban gardens in disadvantaged areas such as Trujillo, Peru. He has also given informative talks on ecology in educational centres in Malaga, has offered advice on popular reforestation in the Montes de Malaga, and has promoted the production, consumption and marketing of organic products in the Axarquia region.

Sergio likes to define himself as an ecoculturist. Combining his knowledge of cooking, agriculture, biology, geology and history, he pursues an integrated vision of ecosystems and the relationship between humans and the environment. Masanobu Fukuoka is his main teacher and inspiration. In 2018 he had the good fortune to meet Ernst Gotsch in person, since when he has been involved in syntropic agriculture.

‘As a young man I was lucky to meet other crazy people like me, who have the dream to heal the landscape (and a bit of the landscape too), they started as my friends and ended up as my teachers. With Juandedios in Algarrobo, Malaga and with Roberto in the shade of Comares, one of the most unique places in the Axarquia, I shared work and above all learning’.

‘My friendship with Robert was born when we found ourselves working in La Loma Viva, in Gualchos in the Lower Alpujarra of Granada, where a beautiful project of syntrophic agriculture is being developed’.

At the moment, Sergio is collaborating in the Monte de Venus project in Cajiz, Malaga; in a reforestation project in the Vega del Júcar, in La Manchuela in Cuenca, with the citizen action group Emergencia Climática Axarquía; his favourite work is the design and conversion of forest gardens, rural and urban home gardens.



+34 / 659 10 98 09 (Rakel)



We invite you to participate in one of our events, bring a tree and plant it yourself! Check the events calendar for upcoming options.
If you can't come along at the moment, we invite you to make a symbolic donation of at least €25 so that we can buy and plant another tree for IKI-GAIA in your name and your SaLUZ.

All of you who donate at least 50€ will be included in the list of supporters of the project and we will send you, upon request, internal information about the project and the about-right protocol, including extended vision, the 7 KEY IKI-projects and participation models 😉 so that you can be informed of important developments.

We share with you the account of abundance enabled for the IKI-GAIA project in case, instead of donating through the platform, you prefer to make a transfer and you are NACE from NOW to contribute with a donation to this demanding phase.

Beneficiary: Semilla Monte Alegre

ES56 3058 0769 4427 2002 7693

Concept: donation IKI-GAIA + tree + mail (so we can include you in the internal list and keep you informed)

Blessings to all of you who are with the WILL
to contribute to CHANGE


We leave you the direct link to subscribe to our newsletter if you are interested in following the progress of our Permaculture projects, the IKI-GAIA educational project and the educational cooperative we are creating, the IKI-GAIA ecovillage, the training and events programme, etc.




If you feel that this is what your heart is looking for, it is your moment to take the step to create what you believe in and live in a tribe in an ecovillage of children and beings committed to their role of being referents and willing to do individual and group work, or, if you are preparing to take the step to join a project like this in the coming years, we invite you to become a member of our association by clicking here and ask us by mail for more confidential information about the project, so that we can start the process of approaching and agreeing on both sides 😉.

Contributions of all kinds, with the best wishes of prosperity and blessings are very welcome to continue advancing with the materialisation of this replicable model that will soon be able to serve, as contemplated in the vision, to all those who need it in this transitory phase we live in where it is necessary to surf the waves while the civilisational collapse is bottoming out, and a new humanity and a new paradigm emerge with strength and light.



escuela del tercer milenio

Video about the school

Please click here to open the video in youtube if you can't see the subtitle.


La llamada pedagogía Schetinin que se lleva aplicando en la famosa escuela de Tekos (Rusia) desde hace 30 años no sólo está considerada una de las mejores pedagogías del mundo , sino que también es un modelo holístico replicable que, gracias a Josef (fundador de ISKA), está cada vez más extendido en los países de habla alemana, y ahora gracias a la labor de Rakel, fundadora de IKI-GAIA, también en lengua castellana. ¿Te atreves a experimentar las bondades de esta maravillosa técnica que sin duda, te proporcionará más alegría y ligereza en tu vida y en la de los que te rodean?


🌸 The School promotes the enormous creative power revealed in every human being 🌺

Our children and the future of humanity deserve an educational model centered on BEING 💞 where they learn to see UNITY.

This school is not a preparation for "life" - the school is LIFE itself.  They live every moment they breathe.  The joy of creating real things and giving real help is the most rewarding thing.They do it all with the mission to reclaim our true essence and bring back to planet Earth the era of consciousness and peace....The students of this school grow up with a stable and beautiful personality, broadly educated, not only intellectually, but also with the heart. They are mentally, physically and spiritually developed beings. Children are responsible, cooperative, clear and firm about their ideals and goals, they acquire a personality that is perceived as part of the whole contributing to the betterment of humanity.

🌿 Do you know the school named in Anastasia's books?

You will certainly not find another place like it on earth where interpersonal relationships are so consciously and constantly worked on as the basis of life and the transmission of knowledge and wisdom. 🌍 On the slopes of the highest mountain in Europe, in a valley with glacier-fed springs, surrounded by ancient megaliths and natural power points, lies a school where the future of humanity is being forged.

Mikhail Petrovich SCHETININ

Desde hace 3 décadas, un visionario ruso, Mikhail Schetinin, ha estado rompiendo los puntos de vista, tanto tradicionales como "alternativos", sobre la educación, creando al mismo tiempo, el nuevo futuro de la humanidad.

El ser humano puede hacerlo todo. Nuestro propósito es la elevación del ser humano, actuar en armonía con la sociedad, un ser humano capaz de ver y analizar los fenómenos que le rodea y que pueda sentir su interconexión, percibir el mundo como un todo”.

"Es muy importante que los niños se sientan libres, vengan y vayan como quieran!! Aquí  no damos importancia a la edad, maestros y alumnos se mezclan. Rechazamos la idea de que alguien tiene que ser enseñado. Nuestra memoria ancestral colectiva tiene el conocimiento de las leyes del cosmos, así como de las técnicas para vivir en el espacio cósmico, por eso, rechazamos la idea de que hay algo que el alumno no sabe".

Schetinin developed a model school in harmony with Anastasia's Dream ☘️ (See Vladimir Megre's masterpiece)



The official mathematics curriculum that other children do in 10 years of schooling at Tekos they learn it all in 1 year. They also cover the entire high school curriculum in one year, and many of them acquire university degrees by the age of 17.

When they study, they don't worry about grades, but about how they will explain what they have learned to their peers and how they will be able to pass it on. That is the motivation they need to learn, because what they have learned, they will have to teach to future generations.

They have been entrusted with the principle of the learning process and place great importance on service to others. What they do learn very well is to understand the soul, aspirations and thoughts of other individuals. Mathematics in itself is not important, but as a process towards TRUTH. the afternoon they always take an hour to reflect on the day and their relationships with each other and the world.


Their schedules are divided between cooking, carpentry, construction, painting frescoes on the walls…

🥗 They cook their own meals, do administrative tasks and write their own textbooks. They contemplate the meaning of the Universe and swim in mountain streams. They dance, draw, sing and pick strawberries in the surrounding fields...They master ancient folk crafts awakening their ancestral memory, which goes beyond any written history we now know; they work and write their own text books....

Girls choose not to wear mini-skirts, make-up or flashy jewelry. They are not interested in TV or video games.

In general they have hardly any teachers, only a few teachers of music, English, sewing... The boarding school is organized in groups of pupils where a mentor is in charge of 4 children younger than him to support them in everything and not allow them to fall behind in their studies.


The children and teenagers have designed, built and decorated their own campus. All the school facilities, including study spaces, an auditorium, administrative office, kitchen area, dining area, toilets, showers, flats and other facilities have been designed and built by the students.

All these construction works are full of delicacy and beauty and reflect the inner nature and talents of the students and the excellent quality of school activities. 


ISKA is a "happy learning space" where education is the central pillar, along with healing and community, and where transformation is allowed to emerge.

This energetic field that is created is where we are all allowed to unfold and step into our power. It is created through a lot of mindfulness, trust, enthusiasm, clear structures, humility, high vibration, awareness, self-discipline, respect, joy, willingness, ability to let go and work on detachment and being of service.

ISKA, thanks to Schetinin's impulses and techniques, has created a model that allows (or encourages) the power, gifts and talents of beings to flourish, promoting the development of the BEING in its fullest expression.

The model has the capacity to foster a new humanity and a new union.


Desde hace 3 décadas, un visionario ruso, Mikhail Schetinin, ha estado rompiendo los puntos de vista, tanto tradicionales como "alternativos", sobre la educación, creando al mismo tiempo, el nuevo futuro de la humanidad.

Germany, Austria and Switzerland

Thanks to Josef, the only person authorised by Shetinin to promote the pedagogy outside of Russia, and the hard work of the ISKA embaators, the pedagogy has been spreading more and more in German-speaking countries for almost 4 years now. For upcoming seminars in German-speaking countries, click here.


With the support of ISKA, cooperation partner Rakel is in the process of setting up a school project in IKI-GAIA by September 2023 and building a strong network in Spain together with like-minded people who are willing to try out this wonderful model.

Thanks to Rakel's association "Semilla Monte Alegre", since March this year also ISKA seminars are offered in Spanish speaking countries in her ecovillage IKI-GAIA. For the first time, the seminars are held in Spanish and in a total of 3 languages (also in English and German!!).

To see the upcoming seminars in Spain, click here.




We draw our strength from common strengths and encouragement, so that with an open heart we can shape change in these challenging times in a lively way.

To see the program of our seminars, please click here.

Seminar on Educational Research according to M. P. Schetinin

This seminar is ideal to get a first impression of M. P. Schetinin's pedagogy. The seminar allows you to experience exemplary practice sequences, to learn in small groups and to immerse yourself in the daily structure of this wonderful learning method.

We welcome everyone who would like to join us on the way to "happy learning" for themselves and for our children.

Multicultural Family Camps/Seminars according to M. P. Schetinin

Through this proposal, children of all generations are integrated into a natural and living structure based on Schetinin's pedagogy, in which a lot of joy of life is generated within families and between families.

Seminars for young people

Together we shape our days, from the moment we get up to the moment we go to bed. We create new things in meaningful projects about nature. We make crafts, we cook, we dance, we sing, we carve, we play, we are creative, with and in nature. We immerse ourselves in moving conversations and share our diverse and insightful experiences.

In October, also in Spain with us!

Specialized seminars

These are seminars on specific topics that allow us to deepen our knowledge of certain subjects and trades (communication, carpentry, permaculture, raw vegan cooking, etc.), which are developed according to the structure of this pedagogy and constantly activate both hemispheres of the brain.

From the end of September/beginning of October, at IKI-GAIA we will also be organizing permaculture seminars according to this model for all generations!


IKI-GAIA is a regenerative and sustainable project that seeks sovereignty in all areas and reconnection with our individual, group and planetary ikigai or "meaning of life", so that all generations can once again live together and support each other in absolute harmony and cooperation with nature.

Rakel, founder of the ecovillage IKI-GAIA, is an anthropologist, journalist, expert in ecovillage design and education for sustainability and facilitator of processes aimed at accelerating the development of the New Humanity. Together with her partner Daniel, a Swiss expert in permaculture and water retention in landscapes, as well as a Jazz bass player and IT expert, Rakel has managed to bring to life this great vision to create the basis for a new Humanity.

To find out more about the ecovillage project visit the ecovillage section of our website and if you want to know more about our vision and our moment visit us at an open day, seminar... or participate in an online meeting. Check out the events section to see the options we offer.


At the beginning of September we will run the 2-week ISKA certified level 1 seminar (to which we offer a limited number of places to interested people) to deepen the knowledge of mathematics and biology and to initiate the whole school community in sync.

During the months of April, May and June we will hold 1-day introductory seminars in 3 languages in our ecovillage (Spanish, German and English). To see our event calendar click here. It is essential to have participated in a 1-day seminar in order to participate in a 2-week seminar.

Send us an email to if you want to initiate contact. We invite you to participate in an online meeting and fill in this survey, so that we can send you the invitation link to the meeting and/or tell you more details about the next 1-day introductory seminars and face-to-face meetings where you can meet us (very limited places!).

If you are interested in joining an ecovillage project with these values, we invite you to read all the information we have published in the ecovillage section of our website to come with as much information as possible to our meeting. If you haven't read anything yet, you can start with this post.



Phone Number:
+34 / 659 10 98 09 (Rakel)



All of you who donate at least 50€ will be included in the list of supporters of the project so that you can be informed of important developments. In addition to all the advantages we offer to supporters. You can ask us also for more information about the characteristics of each model of participation.

We share with you the account of abundance enabled for the IKI-GAIA project in case you would like to contribute with a donation to contribute to this very first Phase

#bank account #sma

Beneficiary: Semilla Monte Alegre
ES56 3058 0769 4427 2002 7693

Concept: donation IKI-GAIA + mail (so we can include you in the internal list and keep you informed)

Blessings to all those of you who have the WILL
to contribute to the CHANGE



We leave you the direct link to subscribe to our newsletter if you are interested in following the progress of our Permaculture projects, educational project, IKI-GAIA ecovillage, training programme and events.




If you feel that this is what your heart is looking for, it is your moment to take the step to create what you believe and live in a tribe in an ecovillage of children and beings committed to their role of being referents and willing to do individual and group work, or, you are preparing to take the step to join a project like this in the coming years, we invite you to become a member of our association by clicking here and ask us by mail for more confidential information about the project, so we can start the process of rapprochement on both sides 😉

Donations of all kinds, with best wishes for prosperity and blessings, are most welcome to continue moving forward with the materialisation of this replicable model that will soon be able to serve, as envisioned in the vision, all those who need it in this transitory phase we live in where it is necessary to surf the waves while the civilisational collapse is bottoming out, and a new humanity and a new paradigm emerge with strength and light.