
09 Apr 2023


el seminario empezará a las 9, bienvenidos de 8 a 9 a desayunar con nosotros!!
08:00 - 18:00

Do you want to experience and feel the advantages in learning and attention by activating the 2 hemispheres of the brain constantly in the first training of this pedagogy to be held in Spanish, English and German in our country?

Welcome with your whole tribe or clan to participate in the first introductory seminar in Spanish in Spain (our ecovillage IKI-GAIA, Málaga) to learn about Schetinin’s pedagogy which is applied in the KIN genius school in Tekos, Russia.

Watch this video to feel more…


  • WHEN Easter
    8 April : Spanish
    9 April : German and English
  • SCHEDULE  from 9 to 5:30 pm every day
  • WHERE Ecovillage IKI-GAIA (Spain)
    If you need accommodation or you want to stay in your wan get in touch with us: or per telegram: @ecoada

  • COST (click in this pdf to downloud doc. eng. ISKAseminar Málaga for detailed  info)

To participate in these seminars you must be a 1 day member or become an annual member of the association and pay at least half of the cost of the seminar.

Adults: 120€ + 9€ (ISKA one-day membership fee). If you want to become an annual member of ISKA the fee would be 60€ (1 day) or 120€ (family). If you are an annual member of the association, you will be able to continue your training with ISKA and you will be entitled to participate in all seminars organized in Spain, Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Children and teenagers are very welcome to participate if they are interested😊. From 10 years upwards 45€

Once you have done the 1-day seminar, you will be able to participate in the intensive level 1 training (2 weeks) that we are planning for the beginning of September, or in those organized by ISKA in Austria, Germany and Switzerland.

…if you come down to the south, welcome to stay a few days around and participate the following weekend from 13th to 15th of April to meet us in our IKI-Ekoherentes Days (Sunday 15th tour through the 240 hectares of our Biotopo de Sana-Acción.

Subscribe to our newsletter to receive the detailed program of all our activities.


Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 09 Apr 2023
  • Time: 02:00 - 12:00

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