Hello Tribe

I hope your lives are full of happiness and your most profound dreams are coming true. Ours are at the point of coming true - “to start living in a Tribe- from the September!! There are still some apartments available so hurry up!

This summer we are preparing a crowdfunding campaign. We are editing a video that we are going to share next month in order  to advertise the project and to get contributions from people, associations and companies, related to our values ,​​that would like to contribute to this great common dream.


  1. get grants / sponsorships and offer at least 10 scholarships for this first year; since the La Caixa grant of 20,000 euros has been denied. We already have 1 scholarship. A friend    has offered us to sponsor a child for 10 months, so the fee for child with food included will go for 200 euros instead of 350 euros / month.
  2. Get PATRONS and donations through the “GOTEO” platform, Triodos, etc. for:
    1. lower the monthly fees and/or subsidize ecological canteen
    2. construction of the clasroom dome
  3. construction of a greenhouse for school
    1. And, most of all - to find Investors interested in     the project so that we would be able to buy the farm and develop the project in our own place




We need to establish this wonderful and so needed educational project in our OWN SPACE that  would allow us to grow and develop in order to develop and inspire our environment.

We want to promote the RURAL REPOPULATION and the replication of the model of coexistence project in the environment of  an educational space co-created by several families across the country. In the short-medium term, the vision is to obtain homologation also in Spain, and to help to replicate this model, to avoid the massive rural depopulation caused, among other factors, by the centralization of education and the absence of educational services in rural zones.


We want to help many other alternative educational projects that end up dying in the first 2 or 3 years of existence because of the lack of human and economic resources, and, above all, because of the legal situation of the alternative education in Spain.

Because of this reason, many parents of the children who turn 6, abandon projects like this, as they are afraid to continue with project without homologation.

We are urgently looking for investors who identify with  the project, and who want to support this model of sustainable holistic education and contribute to a real change in the current education system.


For more information, business plan, call us on 659109809


More information about educational project...

If you can make a contribution NOW !, before the official crowdfunding campaigns  of GOTEO start helping, we would really appreciate it.


With your help we could start paying the materials for the school, contracts,  lawyers and cover the other costs that are necessary to start a project in the new place.


Beneficient: Asociación Semilla Monte Alegre

IBAN: ES56 3058 0769 4427 2002 7693

Concept: donation Gaia

Or click on donate below to use your credit card!

If you are interested to be an investor of the eco educational project, please feel welcome- we really need you, and do not hesitate- tell us of how much you could help us and on what terms.

All help counts at this moment.

We also need a lot of hands and hearts for a project like this. We are open to receive volunteers for long and short term. For more information about the volunteer program please call us on 0034659109809

We are also looking for campers for the volunteers’ accommodation,  materials, yurts, non-permanent structures to create classroom dome and workshops for the school.

All the little pieces that would sum up for the project….


GUARANTEE of the refund of the investors. 

Given that the space has 10 apartments that are rented to families interested in actively participating in the Eco-learning community, the payment of monthly fees would be guaranteed, without this impeding the need to generate savings for the project itself through events, courses and festivals that we have planned for the next course.



Let me share this text about TRIBE by Laura Posada -with some touches of mine- that reflect the heart of this project and inspired me to write this post and ask for your help.

"When we stopped being tribes, the unity split.

We believed that the couple, or the family nucleus, would be enough, while friendships and circles of belonging gave us the crumbs of ephemeral coexistence.

The tribe is much more than friends and blood brothers. The tribe is the spiritual belonging to a brotherhood that sustains and invites us to sustain.

The tribe is where natural roles are shared, exchanged and interacted. Mothers today mother alone without the containment and support group. The children have siblings who are always the same, the blood brothers. What about the spiritual brothers with whom they should be playing together, co-creating?

We separate into small private properties, running from one side to the other in search of sustenance for the family nucleus.

The natural thing is to group ourselves and, while some sow, others educate, others build, some cook, and at the right moment we gather to eat, to celebrate, to continue the tribe.

The love that we seek so much, besides the love for oneself that is cultivated, is not that of couple, children, family... Rather, having no tribe to practice love in infinite facets, we overload the idea that the couple, the children, and the family, will give us the ground to channel love.

Without tribe we are like a dismembered human body trying to function, each member separately.

We have to go back to the tribes where grandparents are dignified and you are all.

Trade, private property, and individualism ripped us off as branches of the trunk that unites us.

In the tribe all gifts are welcome, and roles, being rotational, do not create boredom or saturation. In the tribes there are so many brothers and sisters that sharing is very rich and models alternate.

Now we begin to use the term grow old among friends, and that is to appreciate the tribe.

We can start earlier, from YA and give our children a healthy environment where sharing is natural and where there are many references from whom to learn.

The tribe: It is to create love.


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