Open Online Meeting in Spanish
We know that many of you have not yet been able to participate in any of the ONLINE meetings that we have opened since Christmas and that you are trying to do so in this next meeting. We are waiting for you!
To start getting to know our project we invite you to read the information we have published on the website of our association, specifically in the Eco Village section. There, the necessary steps are detailed for an initial approach to our project in 1. Read in particular the 4 highlighted posts.
To do so, we need you to fill in this survey?
Cuestionario interesad@s en ser miembros de una ecoaldea (futuras ecoaldeanas o “IKIGAIAKIS”)
Check the corresponding box to find out when to expect you so we can send you the invitation link. Please send an email to semilla@semillamontealegre confirming your participation.
If you want to come more informed to our meeting, you can ask us for the internal information about the types of members, the economic part, the timeline, etc. once you have filled in the protocol of approaching the project that you can see by clicking on the link below:
In this link you can see the benefits of being a sympathiser member sympathiser (download the pdf of the membership form).
Rakel Dominguez SeguraImpulsora Learning Community GAIA, EcoAldea IKI-GAIA
A free soul, explorer and traveler, journalist and anthropologist by profession, and permaculturist at heart, nutritionist, companion and facilitator of processes, her being feels like a universal mother at the service of the continium cambium and the new humanity that is emerging.