Rakel Dominguez
Anthropologist, Permaculturist, Guardian and Promoter of the IKI-GAIA Vision ...
Following my vital impulse and Reason for BEING, my ikigai since I was 20 years old, always constant with my eyes “stuck” on a new way of cohabiting this earth, my ?heart? beats stronger and louder getting closer to the great Dream of beating in unison with our mother GAIA.
With the hope that this BIOTOPE OF HEALING that has chosen us will guide us to the ikigaiaki tribe in the beautiful process of aligning ourselves with our individual, group-, planetary and intergalactic ikigai, while giving our Gifts and Talents to the Service of the New Paradigm that is emerging, I remain attentive to the signs and the continuum cambium.
That the Vision, the necessary Constancy and Determination added to the Catalytic capacity, the Magic, the sister Patience, the Materialization and the Transmuting capacity continue to manifest this new Era!!