Dear families,

First of all I wish you a wonderful beginning of the decade and year 2020 full of dream manifestations.
Here we share with you some impressions of the beautiful day of the 29th of December at the organic market we organized in Sayalonga.
In spite of the cold weather, hundreds of visitors from many parts of Malaga and Granada came to share with us this day full of free activities for the whole family and full of surprises for the little ones.

Thanks to the Diputación de Málaga and the Sayalonga Town Hall for their commitment to these initiatives to promote agro-ecology and sustainability by supporting local producers.
Special thanks to all the collaborators and visitors for their participation.

We will inform you soon about the next events we are planning for this year 2020.

VIVA lo BIOlocal! ...weaving networks of exchange and mutual support

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29th of December: Christmas Marked “SAYALONGA ECOLÓGICA”


Write in the calendar this Christmas:
Next Sunday, December 29th, from 10:00 to 18:00h in Rafael Alcoba Square in Sayalonga, third edition of the "SAYALONGA ECOLOGICAL" MARKET.

Visitors who come to know this beautiful village of the Axarquia can taste organic products, vegetarian and vegan food, fruits and vegetables of the region, teas and infusions, and take samples of seeds and medicinal plants, and crafts and much more.
A unique event in La Axarquía organized by the Asociación Semilla Monte Alegre with the collaboration of the Sayalonga Town Hall and funds from Diputación de Málaga to enjoy with the whole family a unique market that promotes agro-ecology and sustainability.


Autumn Market Parade


En su tercera edición, esta iniciativa municipal para promover el consumo ecológico  y dar a conocer a los productores ecológicos en la comarca, contará con:

In its third edition, this municipal initiative to promote organic consumption and raise awareness of organic producers in the region, will have
12:00h: Worm Compost Workshop (ASOC. SEMILLA MONTE ALEGRE)
The renowned Swiss permacultor Daniel Stocker will teach young and old how to build a small vermicompost. (Spanish/English and German)
13:00h: Yolanda Valle and SÉSAMO TEATRO present: "Magia muy potágica" An unforgettable theatre for the whole family to enjoy with the 5 senses of magic (Spanish).
15:00h: Home perfume workshop where Berta will teach us how to make our own solid perfume from raw materials such as olive oil, sweet almond oil and beeswax, adding natural and macerated essences.
15:00h to 17:00h: Storytelling Days with Eli and Jesus
1) "Ada's storyteller, trust you" Workshop with activities and drawing games (Eli)
2) Christmas Story: "Rusty, the Husky who wanted to pull Santa's sleigh" (Eli)
3) Finally, the well-known story "Who has done this to my head"
17:00h: Alonsi Navarro -PLANTAROMED- will offer a very original workshop for the whole family "Connect with your ancient seeds of your ancestors" .



Impressions of the past market

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28 stand places for ecological market with 30 € minimum purchase assured to each stand to participate.

Sayalonga Town Council will pay 30 € to each stand to give tastings/promotions of our products.

The Town Hall will shade the street but it is necessary to bring tables and it's recommended to bring tents.

PLACE: Rafael Alcoba Square, Sayalonga

December 29th

100 % Craftsmen also welcome to complete places.

Applications until by calling 659 10 98 09 or by mail

Thank you for sharing with small organic producers

Autumn Organic Market 29/09/19


Welcome next Sunday 29th of September to taste in SAYALONGA ecological and handcrafted products from Axarquia and the whole province of Malaga.

This beginning of Autumn, Sayalonga will host its second organic market in the square Rafael Alcoba from 10:00 to 15:00h. Visitors who come to know this beautiful enclave of Axarquia can taste vegetarian and vegan food, fruits and vegetables of the region, teas and infusions, and take samples of seeds and medicinal plants, and crafts and much more.



Our association Semilla Monte Alegre, in charge of the organization of this wonderful initiative, has already started with the preparations.
In its second edition, this municipal initiative to promote organic consumption and raise awareness of organic producers in the region, will have live music as last time. Javi Claro and Mario Castillo de Ravsuri will delight us with their fusion music of the world from 12:00h in the morning with instruments such as the Persian Santu, the bansuri, the Galician bagpipe, the Duduk, panderos etc..





At 12:00h the workshops for children and the whole family will begin. The association ECOLUCIONA will offer a workshop  “Nendo Dango”, seed pumps, from 12:00h to 13:00h.  And then, from 13:15 to 14:15h Alonsi from PLANTAROMED will offer another workshop for children: “Come and draw your peasant seed”.

The next edition will take place on 29 December and will be a special Christmas event with many surprises that will last all day. Interested in participating in these events or receive more information call 659 10 98 09




28 stand places for ecological market with 30 € minimum purchase assured to each stand to participate.

Sayalonga Town Council will pay 30 € to each stand to give tastings/promotions of our products.

The Town Hall will shade the street but it is necessary to bring tables and recommended tents.

PLACE: Rafael Alcoba Square, Sayalonga

CONCERT: RAVSURI at 12:00 o’clock with Javi Claros and Mario Castillo.

FREE WORKSHOPS FOR CHILDREN and the whole family:

12:00 to 13:00: Workshop “Nendo Dango, seed pumps”.

13:15 to 14:15: Workshop with Alonsi from PLANTAROMED “Come and draw a Peasant Seed”.

September 29th 
December 29th

100 % Craftsmen also welcome to complete places.

Applications until next 27th of September by calling 659 10 98 09 or by mail

Thank you for sharing with small organic producers


Next Sunday June 30 you’re very welcome to taste in the square Rafael Alcoba, SAYALONGA all kinds of organic products and see handicrafts of the Axarquia and throughout the province of Malaga.

The Council of this municipality of the Axarquia with charm and tradition bets for the agroecology and the sustainability, and has dedicated a budgetary item to promote the consumption of ecological products through 3 ecological markets:

June 30th,
September 29th
December 29th

with the vision of subsequently establishing a monthly market in the municipality.

Our association Semilla Monte Alegre, in charge of the organization of this wonderful initiative, has already started with the preparations. We are working on promoting the event so that as many people as possible can enjoy a unique market where they can taste a wide variety of local and seasonal organic products.




?28 stands for ecological market???? with a minimum purchase of 30 € ? insured by Sayalonga Town Hall for tasting/promotion.

Town hall will put shade for us!

LOCATION: plaza Rafael Alcoba

FREE KITCHEN WORKSHOPS FOR CHILDREN over 4 years old, WITH NISPEROS. PRIOR REGISTRATION required from June 17 in Aymto de Sayalonga -only 40 places-.

Next Sunday, June 30th,
September 29th and
December 29th

Necessary commitment to participate on all 3 dates.

100 % Craftsmen also welcome to complete places.

Solicitudes hasta próximo 25 de junio llamando al 659 10 98 09 o por correo

Gracias por compartir con pequeños productores ecológicos?

23-26 of May: Music Seminar by Duncan R. Lorien in Chliches (Málaga)

23-26 of May: Music Seminar by Duncan R. Lorien in Chliches (Málaga)

Make Your Wildest Music Dreams Come True This Year

Hey there! You have probably already heard about this MEGA MUSIC EVENT that will be coming to the Costa del Sol in May! But just in case you missed it: The world's most successful music teacher is coming all the way from Boston, USA to Chilches to deliver his UNDERSTANDING OF MUSIC SEMINAR which turns EVERYONE into a musician in JUST 4 DAYS!!!! Sounds too good to be true ? Check out this video where Lilli explains everything and visit her website to get more information!
If you want to attend the seminar,  you will get a 20 Euro discount with this voucher code:"SEMILLA". And 40 Euros will be donated to our Association Semilla Monte Alegre for every person who registers with this voucher code.
Know anyone who also loves music ? Forward this information to them also! Sharing is Caring!


Website (english/deutsch)


04.05.2019 Spring Festival GAIA (the second)


? On the 04th of May! ??  we repeat our Charity Spring Festival ? GAIA in CORTIJO NIDOLEA – to get to know and support the new eco-educational space Gaia -. with healing area? eco-market  ???, handy-crafts, 2hand and antiques and ? a lot lot of activities for kids ???? and the whole family ?‍?‍?‍?

CORTIJO NIDOLEA is a wonderful space for events next to the exit of Caleta de Vélez in a natural environment☘

Artists, interested in selling and offering activities, please contact 659 10 98 09 (Rakel) or
Limited places!


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On the 04th of May you will also be able to inform yourselve about the Gaia educational project in Axarquia -Malaga- and Gaia schools around the world. There will be a Talk about  the training course GAIA on sustainability: “EDE” (Eco-village Design) that we are organizing for the next academic year. Focused to train the school team, educators and professionals from all sectors in general and parents interested in knowing these tools.

Info about the EDE course.

Thank you for sharing this message with the tribe.




Una Introducción a la agricultura ecológica sinergica biodinamica con las plantas medicinales con Alonsi

Y presentación del tercer cuaderno de campo. Plantaromed
por Alonso Navarro Chaves..


Agricultor sinergica biodinamico y fundador de Plantaromed.
Dedicado a la recuperación y al cultivo de semillas campesinas antiguas, Alonsi es un apasionado y gran coleccionista de plantas auxiliares, medicinales, y culinarias.
En el Taller “Siembra tu semilla antigua”, toda la familia podrá participar de una clase magistral sobre las semillas antiguas y llevarse algunas semillas plantadas. Se recomienda traer vasitos de yogurt, macetitas o recipiente pequeños para sembrar, aquí te ofrecemos la tierra y la semilla antigua.

Plantaromed es un proyecto de agricultura sinérgico-biodinámica” impulsado por ALONSO NAVARRO, agricultor investigador.

La finca donde trabaja “el Viso de los Romeros” está situada en la Reserva de la Biosfera “Sierra de las Nieves”, entre las localidades de Alozaina y Yunquera (Málaga) donde desde hace casi 20 años inició con su compañera su actividad.

Los métodos de cultivo que practican en la finca han ido evolucionando a partir de la agricultura tradicional a la ecológica, a la agricultura sinérgica y, finalmente a la biodinámica. Ha sido, como cuenta Alonsi, una progresión natural, fruto de nuestra pasión por la naturaleza.

El proyecto de Alonsi se desarrolla con un profundo trabajo de investigación con la tierra, con las semillas y las plantas, donde estudiamos como crear nuestros propios insumos, cómo ciertas plantas pueden curar a otras plantas y a otras personas, o influir en las propiedades de los cultivos (aromas, sabor, nutrientes, etc…)

TALLER: Yoga y Meditación con Javier

En las clases de Yoga y Meditación utilizamos técnicas de concentración, movimiento, posturas (asanas), respiración, vibración y visualizaciones para alinear nuestra realidad física, emocional y mental.

Principalmente hacemos ejercicios de Hatha Yoga y Kundalini Yoga, siempre adaptados a todos los niveles.

Durante la relajación podrás disfrutar de frecuencias y sonidos que inducen a un estado de tranquilidad, reparación y conexión profunda.

Al final de la clase normalmente haremos una pequeña meditación. A veces utilizamos técnicas de psicología u otras disciplinas para ser más conscientes de nuestras emociones y cómo nos influyen en el cuerpo, lo cual tiene un impacto positivo en nuestra vida diaria.

Para venir a las clases de Yoga no es necesario haber practicado antes, lo importante es la actitud de aprender y mejorar.

Sólo tienes que traer ropa cómoda.

TALLER: Pompas de jabon gigantes

TALLER: Pinturas florescentes

Instalación basada en Reggio Emilia.
Para todas las edades ( menos para los que les den miedo a la oscuridad). Entraremos en un mundo mágico de luces de colores. Juntoxs pintaremos un gran mural con pinturas florescentes y quién traiga algo para pintar puede pintar lo que quiera ( piedras, máscara, camiseta, estrellas, incluso en la cara si no eres alérgicx).
No te olvides de traer algo para pintar y también si tienes ropa florescente, traela ! Brillarás en la oscuridad!

TALLER: Construcción de Turutas

Para todas las edades ( niñxs menores de 6 con ayuda de familiar)
Elaboración de este instrumento musical ancestral con cañas, antiguamente lo utilizaban en África para imitar sonidos de animales. Hoy en día se utiliza para carnaval también. Nosotrxs lo construiremos y cantaremos juntxs !

TALLER: Danza Sensorial con Lilith

Se basa en la capacidad de aprendizaje del sistema nervioso y en la toma de conciencia del cuerpo en movimiento para descubrir nuevas opciones al movernos y adaptarnos mejor al entorno
en el que vivimos y trabajamos.

Al experimentar el movimiento a partir de la inmersión sensorial en el entorno la danza surge como experiencia del mundo en uno mismo,como una
manera de Ser en la transformación.

TALLER: "Resolviendo conflictos y encontrando la paz" con Michael

A veces te molesta lo que hace tu hijo?
Luego reaccionas molesto y ruidoso?
en tu corazón deseas que todo sea un poco más fácil?

Entonces estoy deseando verte en el taller el domingo. En 90 minutos quiero compartir con vosotros lo básico de la Comunicación No Violenta para que como madre/padre puedeis estar conectados con sus hijo incluso en momentos difíciles, trabajaremos juntos para averiguar cuáles son los pasos más importantes para una comunicación efectiva y una actitud compasiva, y haremos un ejercicio práctico que les ayudará a mantener la calma y a hablar desde el corazón.También aprenderás cómo es posible:
– ver y escuchar las necesidades de todos los miembros de la familia,
– trabajar en equipo,
– conseguir que se satisfagan las necesidades de everyone´s,
– para que todos se sientan bien y se mantengan conectados incluso en tiempos difíciles y confíen los unos en los otros.

TALLER: El poder de los Germinados y construcción de un germinador de vidrio

CHARLA: Proyecto Eco-educativo infantil y primaria Gaia. Escuelas Gaia en el mundo y homologación internacional

Permacultorist, anthropologist, journalist, vegan cook, passionate about healthy food, sprouts and probiotics, and above all MAMÁ, is the initiator of the educational project ECO-COmUNIDAD de Aprendizaje GAIA; which moves next academic year 2019/20 to Cortijo Nidolea in Caleta de Vélez in its second year offering the possibility to 9 families to join the Gaia community project, participate more actively in the learning process of their children and facilitate the upbringing. After more than 10 years traveling and studying other ways of living, sharing, cooking, celebrating and being happy … in many corners of the planet, decided to return to the place where she was born, Malaga, to put her effort to create a sustainable living project and join the change.In the last 7 years she has dedicated herself to promoting Permaculture and healthy living through different activities and events, her main focus being the co-creation of an eco-village in the Axarquia of Malaga together with her partner Daniel and a large network of local, national and international friends, stakeholders and collaborators. An optimal space in Nature for personal and group growth and intercultural, multidisciplinary and intergenerational exchange, where the care of the environment – ecological restoration, reforestation, land regeneration – and of people, as well as their symbiotic interrelation, are the great protagonists.

SPEECH: The new water paradigm

  • The water cycle
  • The history of water mismanagement in cities and in the countryside
  • How to repair the water cycle

Daniel Stocker is a Swiss musician -jazz bass player- based in Malaga who has been working for more than five years in different Permaculture farms in the Axarquia. His main project is Monte Alegre, where he has designed the landscape of water retention on a farm where the dry river that crosses it created a lot of erosion, and coordinates the permaculture work applying his accumulated experience. The Monte Alegre edible forest project is 4 years old and has more than 500 trees planted and irrigated only with the water collected from the rain through these techniques!

Translated with

TALLER Musical: Mi Caca

Con mucho juego y diversión descubriremos el ciclo de nutrición permacultural de los humanos: Comenzando con la caca para hacer compost, cómo las semillas se alimentan de ella y cómo absorben los rayos del sol convirtiéndola en azúcares y compartiéndola con microoranismos e insectos…. ¡hasta que comemos una fruta sana y densa en nutrientes!…
¡Y hacer caga otra vez!

Como el título obviamente muestra, este musical está hecho para nuestros pequeños, será muy participativo con teatro, música y juego.

Daniel, músico y Permacultor, guiará esta aventura para niños y padres.



Balance of the event last March 31st

Despite the rich rain that accompanied us all morning, about 200 people came to the festival to enjoy the space, the activities for the whole family and, above all, to eat the vegetarian delicacies and vegan tortillas that we had prepared and on the way to know each other!

It was a wonderful day with many familys in an eco-village atmosphere with small squares, small streets and a lot of nature, where, without a doubt, the protagonists were children from 0 to 14 years old. It was hard for the parents to convince the children to go home with them…

Of course, we had prepared the space that will be the eco-school from September with different environments for games, readings, arts and crafts, and the children were very amused.

In the squares of the cortijo Nidolea we enjoyed musical peformance, painting and free play. In the big tent of the event and one of the houses of the cortijo the workshops of contemporary dance, circular song, circular dance, and the talks on Permaculture, Nonviolent Communication and on the educational project Gaia were carried out. This last talk was attended by many new families interested in knowing about the infant and primary education project -which begins in September in this space-, and even in coming to live in the Eco-Aldea Gaia Nidolea to become part of this Eco-Learning community.

After the beautiful event, 8 apartments were reserved for families interested in becoming an active part of the project and we have started with the selection of children and families who will be able to participate next year in the Gaia eco-school. Limited places!

Since the last event was not a success, since we had food prepared for around 400 people and hardly any donations were collected, we decided to repeat it on a sunny day with many more visitors. We look forward to seeing you next Saturday, May 4th at our Gaia (Mother Earth) Spring Festival.

It opens the period for submission of proposals for workshops and artists, as well as to reserve stalls for sale of handicrafts, ecological and second hand. Hurry this time, limited stalls! More information on 659 10 98 09 or at




? Next 31 March ?? Mini Charity Festival of PRIMAVERA ? GAIA in CORTIJO NIDOLEA – to get to know and support the new eco-educational space Gaia -. with sanación? market area ecológico???, crafts, 2hand and antiques and ? activities for kids ????y the whole family ?‍?‍?‍? Wonderful space for
events next to the exit of Caleta de Vélez in an environment of Naturaleza☘

Artists, interested in selling and offering activities contact 659 10 98 09 (Rakel) or

On the 31st of March you will also be able to inform yourselve about the Gaia educational project in Axarquia -Malaga- and Gaia schools around the world. There will be a Talk about  the training course GAIA on sustainability: “EDE” (Eco-village Design) that we are organizing for the next academic year. Focused to train the school team, educators and professionals from all sectors in general and parents interested in knowing these tools.

Info about the EDE course.

Thank you for sharing this message with the tribe.




11:00 WORKSHOP: Introduction to Permaculture with Daniel Stocker


Water retention landscapes, edible forests, soil regeneration and microorganisms.

We live in a world of extremes: very strong winds, times of severe droughts and floods, polluted water and food with almost no nutrients. Every day mankind moves further away from nature.

Fortunately, more and more of us are looking for sustainable alternatives to live in a way that is more in line with our principles and more in harmony with our environment.

“All solutions can be found in the garden! (Geoff Lawton)

We can design a way out of this misery. We have already united knowledge in a holistic science: PERMAKULTUR.

Daniel Stocker is a Swiss musician – double bass player – living in Málaga, who has been working on various permaculture projects in the Axarquía for more than five years. His main project is Monte Alegre, where he designed the water retention landscape and coordinated the permaculture work with his accumulated experience. The Forest Garden Project Monte Alegre is 4 years old and has more than 500 plants that are only irrigated with collected rainwater! After several years of voluntary work in other projects and participation in permaculture workshops and seminars that fascinated him – such as the seminar on water retention landscapes in Tamera (Portugal) – he started to advise companies and private individuals. His main focus is on soil regeneration including the reproduction of native microorganisms, the creation of water retention landscapes, reforestation and the creation of forest gardens in dry zones.

12:00 WORKSHOP: Yoga for children and families

We learn in a playful way, containing ourselves from within, through play, poses and breathing. We explore Yoga as a couple, Acroyoga, magical trips, gym, greetings to the natural elements with songs and music and much more.

13:00 WORKSHOP: Cariocas with Elisa

Elisa Caballe is an artist and multifaceted craftswoman lover of the nature.

14:00 WORKSHOP: Journeys of Tensegrity with Coyote

Magical Passes are the series of movements delivered from ancient shamans of Mexico and transformed into Tensegrity by Carlos Castaneda to unlock, move and balance stuck energy in our bodies. Tense and integration which is hidden in the movements creates strong, positive vibrations use to silence our mind, free our potential, strengthen our bodies, remove all the toxins and give us courage to live our lives full-on. Power of the silenced mind, opens the door to perceive with our Heart. Teaches us to listen to the guide inside, to the healer, the master. What will You tell Yourself?

15:00 CONCERT with Gram Russell

16:00 WORKSHOP: Non Violent Communication with Michael

Do you sometimes bother what your child does?
Do you then react annoyed and loud?
In your heart you wish that everything would be a little easier?

Then I’m looking forward to see you in the workshop on Sunday.

In 90 minutes I want to share with you the basics of Nonviolent Communication so that as a mother / father you can stay connected to your child even in difficult moments.
We will work together to find out what are the most important steps for an effective communication and compassionate attitude, and we will do a hands-on exercise that will help you to stay calm and to speak from the heart.

You will also learn how it is possible:
– to see and hear the needs of all family members,
– to work together as a team,
– to get everyone´s needs met,
– for everyone to feel well
– to stay connected even in difficult times and trust each other.

16:00 WORKSHOP: Sow your ancient seed with ALONSO NAVARRO

Synergistic biodynamic farmer and founder of Plantaromed.
Dedicated to the recovery and cultivation of ancient peasant seeds, Alonsi is a passionate and great collector of auxiliary, medicinal, and culinary plants.
In the workshop “Sow your ancient seed”, the whole family will be able to participate in a master class on ancient seeds and take away some planted seeds. It is recommended to bring yogurt cups, flowerpots or small containers to sow, here we offer you the soil and the old seed.

Plantaromed is a synergic-biodynamic agriculture project” promoted by ALONSO NAVARRO, research farmer.

The farm where “el Viso de los Romeros” works is located in the Biosphere Reserve “Sierra de las Nieves”, between the towns of Alozaina and Yunquera (Málaga) where he started his activity almost 20 years ago with his partner.

The cultivation methods practiced on the farm have evolved from traditional to organic farming, to synergistic agriculture and finally to biodynamics. It has been, as Alonsi says, a natural progression, fruit of our passion for nature.

Alonsi’s project is developed with a deep research work with the soil, with seeds and plants, where we study how to create our own inputs, how certain plants can cure other plants and other people, or influence the properties of crops (aromas, flavour, nutrients, etc …).

17:00 WORKSHOP: Contemporary Dance with Valentina

A hip hop and contemporary dancer, Valentina has studied and taught contemporary dance in different countries around the world such as Nicaragua, Guatemala, New Zealand, Senegal, etc. where she has had the opportunity to discover different perceptions of the body and representations of the dances.

Lately she is studying contemporary African dance techniques, as well as laban technique.

The workshop proposed by Valentina for this festival is focused on body expression and is adapted for children/young people of all levels.

The idea is to teach you some exercises used in contemporary dance through play, and to create a small coegraphy.

18:00 Talking-circle: Gaia Infant and Primary Education Project. Network of Gaia Schools in the World with Rakel

A permaculture woman, anthropologist, journalist, passionate about vegan cooking and, above all, MAMÁ, is the initiator of the educational project ECOCOmUNIDAD GAIA which moves next academic year 2019/20 to Cortijo Nidolea in Caleta de Vélez in its second year of life.
After more than 10 years of studying and travelling for many years, she has been co-creating an ecovillage project – with her partner Daniel and a large network of local, national and international collaborators and interested people – in the Axarquia of Malaga where the care of the environment – ecological restoration, reforestation, land regeneration and water retention – and of people, as well as their interrelation, are the main protagonists.

18:00 WORKSHOP Musical: My Poop

With lots of play and fun we will discover the permacultural nutrition cicle of humans: Beginning with the Poop to compost, how seeds take up nutrition from it and absorbing the sun beams converting it to sugars sharing it with microoranisms and insects… till we eat a nutriens dense healthy fruit! And Poop again!
As the title obiously shows, this musical is made for our little ones.
It will be very participative with theatre, music and play.

Andrés and Daniel, two musicians and permaculturists will guide this adventure for childrens and parents.


19:00 WORKSHOP: Singing Circle

Fares is a French natural health professional, singer and songwriter of singing circles.

During this tallet the artist invites us to create songs with as much spontaneity as possible, in a very simple way, in order to compose a music and make it evolve. All this, a capella.

The public will participate in this wonderful common creativity and will be filled with energy and joy. This will have a positive effect on salud?

20:00 WORKSHOP: Dance Circle with Lisa




If you look for a english workshop, click here...

In this workshop held by Daniel Stocker, coordinator of different permaculture projects in and around the Axarquía in Málaga (Monte Alegre, Los Rosales...), you will learn about Permaculture, its philosophy and ethics. We show you all the work which has be done in the last years on the site and explain the interconnectedness of the components.

20th and 21th of April 2019 weekend
held on the Finca La Sacristía close to Macharaviaya, Málaga, Spain.
Location: GoogleMaps


Saturday 20.04.2019   10:00 - 18:00

Opening circle and getting to know each other

Getting to know the land Finca la Sacristía


    • A little history
    • The PERMACULTURE Philosophy
    • The PERMACULTURE Ethics
    • What is sustainability?


Planting a tree (practical)

Understanding LIVING SYSTEMS


    • Methods of design

Sunday 21.04.2019  10:00 - 18:00

Good Morning CIrcle

Water Retention Landscapes

Food Forest

Soil Creation



-Workshop 50.-€ / day or 80.-€ / 2 days
-Food 6.-€ / Meal


NOTE: Please bring your sleeping bag with you.

How to get to the FINCA LA SACRISTÍA


Daniel Stocker, from Switzerland, is working since more than five years on different Fincas in the Axarquía. His main project is Monte Alegre, where he applies his collected experience from working as a volunteer or attending as a student in workshops and seminars. For example in Tamera (Portugal), Lilleoru (Estonia), La Flessyer (France) amongst others. His main focus is on Water Retention Landscaping and reforestation, creating food forests in arid zones.


by email:

by cell phone:
+34 / 659 10 98 09

11th of March 2019: Planting Trees and a Guided tour through La Sacristísa


Worm Compost, Dry Toilet, Pioneer Trees...

In dieser Führung von Daniel Stocker, Koordinator des Permakulturprojekts Monte Alegre in Alcaucín, Málaga, begleitet, sehen wir die Permakulturstätte La Sacristía. Vorher bist Du herzlich eingeladen mit uns Bäume zu pflanzen!

Montag, den 11. März 2019
auf der Finca La Sacristía bei Macharaviaya, Málaga, Spanien.
Ort: GoogleMaps


Monday the 11th of March 2019

We'll start planting trees at 3:00 p.m.
Have a little snak at 5:30 p.m.
(Fermented buckwheat bread with avocado and hummus and a pumpkin soup... Mhhhh)
The guided tour will be held from 6:00 p.m. for about two hours.
At 8:00 we offer a musical surprise!

Daniel will explain, while planting the trees, what trees, why and where have to be planted. Any questions are very welcome!

The tour will go through the hole landscape of the Sacristía. We will see the water retention measurements, nursery, compost, drytoilet and worm compost. As well as the resently builded perennial garden and the food forest which has to be planted.


-Guided Tour: 10.-€
-Snak: 5.-€

NOTE: Thank you for making your reservation for the guided tour, but specially for your dinner.

How to get to the FINCA LA SACRISTÍA

Plants to be planted:

    • Leucaena Leucocephala
    • Tipuana Tipu
    • Rubinia Pseudoacacia
    • Cassuarina Cunnighamiana
    • Morus Alba
    • Orange Trees
    • Guayavas
    • Zapotes
  • and more...


Daniel Stocker, from Switzerland, is working since more than five years on different Fincas in the Axarquía. His main project is Monte Alegre, where he applies his collected experience from working as a volunteer or attending as a student in workshops and seminars. For example in Tamera (Portugal), Lilleoru (Estonia), La Flessyer (France) amongst others. His main focus is on Water Retention Landscaping and reforestation, creating food forests in arid zones.


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by cell phone:
+34 / 659 10 98 09

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