Hola dear tribe
Here we share with you some news about the progress of winter where, in addition to accompanying several restructuring processes, entries and exits typical in the first year of ecovillage projects, we have worked very hard to maintain and improve the facilities (remove damp, implement security…), and we have advanced with the central heating project to be warm next winter and to be able to host events next winter in our IKI-GAIA Health-Action Centre.
Next Christmas we want to host the C1, a 2-week training seminar of the holistic Schetinin model that we had to cancel this year due to the need of more warm spaces.
inglés NEWSLETTER FEBRRERO 2024 energias-comprimido
Pioneer phase is not for everyone and even less so in winter, but here we continue to give everything to prepare the 1,500 square meters that we have with more communal rooms, spaces for events, more comfort … to welcome the inhabitants of the project who have already booked a place with us and all those who are approaching and planning in the near or distant future.
If you are interested in obtaining one of the places for founders and aspiring members that are released, please contact us by email or phone to see options: semilla@semillamontealegre or +34659109809
We are open to proposals and collaborations in the different sovereignty projects we have.
Take a look at the calendar of events for the coming months and let us know if it is your time to approach us and see options.
SaLUZ and
Rakel, IKI-GAIA’s guardian and main impusor.