From the city to the countryside in search of being closer to our mother GAIA and much more...
Impressions of the EKO-IKIherentes open day at IKI-GAIA
The reality that we observe is, that this systemic crisis which we are living in a more conscious way since the so-called "health crisis" has exploded, and which has been added to the (wrongly) called climate change crisis and all the others (capitalist, demographic, values, etc.), has served to help the awakening and action of many people who - in addition to a life more consistent with their values - seek solutions in the rural world.
Finding an alternative network for the exchange of products and services, a network of mutual support, parenting groups, opportunities for the creation of rural employment, etc., are some of the desires that drive us to search for the ideal place where this can happen. In short, what we (almost) all seek, as the social beings that we are (who need each other), is to BELONG, to feel that we are part of a group of belonging and to surround ourselves with people with similar ideals, objectives and values where relationships are nurtured and where there is respect and LOVE.
Many of us also seek to be surrounded by people who have the attitude to grow, look inside themselves and, above all, are capable of overcoming the challenges and conflicts inherent in relationships. That is, beings capable of overcoming their fears (vibrating in love), seeing conflict as an opportunity (not to follow patterns of flight or non-confrontation) and cooperating for the greater good (the shared vision).

Where do we find beings (inspirers and role models) who are on this path of individual/group development? Where do we find opportunities to develop in this direction?
Clearly, intentional communities and ecovillages are the ideal breeding ground for living (accelerating) these processes and learning from them.
The history of these realities demonstrates that, by being in these projects, united by a shared vision and a co-creating mission (by putting the focus on that GREATER GOOD), great feats and DREAMS that require much effort and coordination (attunement) become viable and materialize almost magically!!!
The key to success is undoubtedly the links between the relationships that are created in these nurtured spaces where all voices are heard and contribute. Spaces that, as in the real world, are full of challenges and processes, but where, thanks to the nurturing environment and protocols that exist, challenges are more quickly transcended, favoring inner transformation, the healing of deep wounds and the transmutation of patterns of flight and non-confrontation.
Accessibility of ecovillages and intentional communities
Most of the established ecovillages in Spain and in Europe are currently not open to new people who would like to try out if these proposals could be for them or their families, and/or learn from their journey.
Unfortunately, since the beginning of the so-called pandemic, in many cases it has become more difficult to get access to and/or even go to live near an ecovillage, as there are no living spaces left either in the ecovillages or in the surrounding area.But, not all of them are closed!
Fortunately, there are more and more permaculture projects and ecovillages like IKI-GAIA that are materialising and starting their journey on this path of looking for alternatives to the current system to cohabit our land in a more conscious way.

Embracing all generations
How we bring new beings into the world and how we accompany the process from gestation to the first years of life is key, together with the transformation of the educational system, in the development of a new paradigm and, therefore, our central pillar in IKI-GAIA. That is why we are already in full swing with organizing the educational proposal for the next school year.
In order to be coherent with the new Humanity and to be able to close the cycle of life, it is fundamental to see how we care for our elders, integrate them into our community and accompany them in their old age (until they say goodbye to this life).
If you want to know more about the vision of the project, you are welcome to participate in one of the online meetings we organise once a month in English to learn more about this pioneering phase, and the values, mission and vision of the project...
To know more about the options we have open and the possibilities to approach IKI-GAIA click here.
All projects are key to making change happen. If you feel called to collaborate in any of the above mentioned key projects (food sovereignty, energy, education...), please contact us:
IKI-GAIA, un proyecto de construcción de ecoaldea de los nuevos tiempos abierto a nuevas incorporaciones
Proyecto piloto, cuyo objetivo a corto/medio plazo es favorecer la repoblación rural y creación de empleo en esta zona rural de Málaga, mientras se avanza en la cocreación de una Centro de InspiraSanaAcción (Escuela de Permacultura y de Vida) para todas las generaciones y, a largo plazo (entre 6 y 7 años) en el desarrollo de un nuevo modelo de humanidad.
Abrazandonos todas las generaciones
Para ser coherentes con la nueva Humanidad y poder cerrar también el ciclo de la vida, es fundamental ver cómo atendemos a nuestros mayores, los integramos en nuestra comunidad y los acompañamos en su vejez (hasta la despedida de esta vida).
Si quieres saber más sobre la visión del proyecto, bienvenid@ a participar en unos de los encuentros online que organizamos una vez al mes en español para explicar más sobre esta fase pionera, y los valores, la misión y la visión del proyecto… Para saber más sobre las opciones que tenemos abiertas y las posibilidades de acercarte a IKI-GAIA mira la sección de "ACERCAMIENTOS"
Todos los proyectos son claves para que se pueda dar el cambio. Si sientes el llamado a colaborar en algunos de los proyectos centrales nombrados (soberanía alimentaria, energética, educación…), contáctanos: