Welcome to our community life project
We are a group of beings from all generations who have chosen to live in the countryside in alignment with our values. From our land in the Axarquía region of Málaga, we dedicate ourselves to regenerating Pachamama, reclaiming essential sovereignties, and co-creating a School of LIFE and VALUES for all generations.
Our dream is to build a space where nature, community, and learning come together, inspiring a paradigm shift toward a more supportive, conscious, and sustainable world.
Semilla Monte Alegre was born with the vision of creating, supporting and regenerating ecologically sustainable living spaces where children and future generations can grow up in harmony with Nature, far from pollution, stress and the competitive environment of cities and urban centres.
Sustainable and energetically optimal spaces where people of different generations and nationalities can interact, work in a sustainable way, and even live together in a peaceful environment that fosters altruism and collective learning, as well as synergies arising from intercultural, interdisciplinary and intergenerational exchange of knowledge.
By thinking ‘globally’ and acting ‘locally’ we cooperate with our immediate environment in our mission to generate abundance for all. As well as, at the same time, feeding back into the network of local and regional mutual support and the RIE, Iberian Ecovillage Network and the GEN (Global Ecovillage Network) in which we have been working for years to cooperate together in the great mission of regenerating and creating greener and more sustainable environments for the future of the earth and the next generations.
Land Tenure & Community
We want to establish a cooperative of work and housing in order to avoid private properties, taxes and speculation and have the opportunity to create economy inside the community to meet the financial needs of everyone.
We will work on community building, conflict prevention and resolution with tools like non-violent communication, deep listening, contact improvisation, forum, taketina, talking circle, etc.
Land & Nature Stewardship
We will create water retention landscapes for rainwater harvesting and use agroforestry system and food forests in order to create alimentary abundance for the ecovillage and beyond. Using organic and bio-dynamic gardening is the key for a sustainable planet and healthy future generations.
Built Environment
By using Bio-construction and natural building techniques we want to create healthy living spaces and live in harmony with nature. All water will be recycled in the biotope and by using plant based purification systems. We will use dry toilets, compost & terra preta techniques to restore the soil life and re-fertilize the ground with biodynamic preparations from stone meal.
Through passive solar design we can create warm habitats in the cooler periods of the year and cool and shady spaces in the summertime.
Tools & Technology
We will use solar and water power to meet all the energy needs of the community. Warm water will also be provided through solar warm-water systems.
Tools and machines will be repaired or bought second-hand whenever possible.
Culture & Personal Development
We will provide spaces to facilitate the natural learning process for children and adults of all ages. Alternative learning philosophies (such as Waldorf, Montessori, Freinet, etc.) will be integrated upon needs and without dogma. We want to encourage children to develop their own interests freely and without strict plants in their own pace.
We offer workshops and seminars to share knowledge and enrichen the community with art and music, while celebrating life.
Health & Spiritual Well-Being
We want to live more sustainably in order to create a healthier and happier planet. Therefore we focus on health prevention with nutrition, exercise, yoga, meditation and other body and mind work approaches. If treatment of illness is needed, holistic and natural approaches will be preferred. The community has a vegetarian and vegan heart with raw food orientation and follows the ahimsa principles.
The creation of a natural birth centre is one of our big ambitions in order to give women the possibility to deliver the new being into a secure and peaceful place, full of love and grace.
Finances & Economics
We will establish a CSA (community supported agriculture), which will give people in the neighborhood the opportunity to buy fresh, local, organic produce at a reasonable price and support at the same time the maintenance and growth of the ecovillage.
We want to offer Wwoofing and workaway opportunities to people, in order to share our knowledge and receive help for ecological building projects and gardening.
Want to help us financially?