Seminar on water retention in the landscape

Holy water! Seminar on water retention in the landscape

Water, the messenger. Water falls, irrigates, flows, infiltrates, is distributed and gives life.

In the seminar on Water Retention in Landscapes that took place from 19-21 May 2023 in the ecovillage project IKI-GAIA, we learned with a group of over 35 attendees how to pacify water and make the best use of this natural resource to generate abundance.

Under the guidance of Daniel Stocker and Seth Thompson, we learned the principles and techniques of water management in landscapes. In addition, we were able to practice what we learned on IKI Gaia's land where we measured, dug and planted an infiltration trench, made clay mounds to see in a small model how different water retention techniques can be applied in the landscape, etc.

Guided water meditations and group dynamics helped us to establish a deep connection with water and with each other and the integration of the 2 hemispheres of the brain to favour a more effective learning (to know more about the techniques of the Schetinin pedagogy that we are bringing to Spain, click here).

This seminar was the 4th Module of the cycle of courses on Permaculture organised by Permaneser, a collective of Permaculture educational projects in the province of Malaga.

We would like to thank all the Permaneseres for this wonderful weekend, full of learning, laughter and water, blessing us from both earth and sky!


Guided meditation with the sounds of our spring accompanied by double bass


Learning about EZ water and the magic of water


Activating the 2 hemispheres of the brain with Schetinin pedagogy techniques


Learning to measure contour lines with A-frame, water tube and laser level


A swale can be dug with hand shovels or with large machines


A swale only performs its function of retaining water when planted with shrubs and trees


Thanks to the surplus from our fountain, we can infiltrate a lot of water


Through the small model we can see how different water retention techniques can be applied in the landscape


Finding the "hotspots" on the map and delimiting their catchment areas


Thanks to the rain over the weekend, the new plants rooted very well


Visiting the 2 water reservoirs of 100.000 liters each to irrigate IKI-GAIA's vegetable gardens


Enjoying a delicious paella on the fire on Sunday in one of the stables in the heavy rain

Next Permaculture Courses

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28 – 29 AUGUST 2021: Cultivating community: from I to We

28 – 29 AUGUST 2021

Come and meet the new emerging projects and weave the web of change at the European Ecovillages Meeting? (this summer online, you know why).

(there will be simultaneous translation into Spanish ?)

We are waiting for you

? Let’s continue to NETWORK ?

IKI-GAIA Eko-plan for planetary eco-heritage

Living in a tribe, doing what we like and developing our gifts and talents, feeling useful until the end of our days and integrated in a community, are guarantors of happiness/longevity.

After 10 years of experimenting community life in rented and ceded spaces, promoting permaculture, sustainable living and the recovery of our sovereignties by example, and investigating land and legal/administrative strategies to carry out a holistic ecovillage project on rustic land where we can focus on water retention and regeneration of our environment, the time has finally come to give birth to IKI-GAIA in a space of our own!

In Spain, as in a large part of the planet, it is very complicated to start projects in rural areas (and even more so in collective projects) due to the legal obstacles we find when it comes to building. Hence, our model of alternative educational project (free school) + sustainable human settlement (ecovillage), which already has urban viability, is a great opportunity to promote rural repopulation and job creation, as well as to facilitate living in coherence to all beings who feel called to return to the land and cultivate their food and health in an environment of nature, respect and mutual support.

Although nowadays many people approach this type of project because they see it as a “way out” to survive the collapse of civilisation and the systemic crisis we are experiencing, we want to notice that more than a way out, for us it is a way in, an invitation to live in coherence with our most human values and principles, those that have allowed the continuation of the species.

IKI-GAIA is a warm invitation to connect with your ikigai (reason for being or life purpose), to develop your unique gifts and talents and to live in TRIBU embracing all generations, as we have always done if we look a little further back in history.

09.10.2021 WORKSHOP: PERMACULTURE Introduction

09.10.2021 WORKSHOP: PERMACULTURE Introduction

A holistic, ethical design sience

In this workshop held by Daniel Stocker, coordinator of different permaculture projects in and around the Axarquía in Málaga (Monte Alegre, Los Rosales...), you will learn about Permaculture, its philosophy and ethics. We show you all the work which has be done in the last years on the site and explain the interconnectedness of the components. He will explain how you can start a Food Forest.

Saturday 09 of October 2021
held on the Finca La Sacristía close to Macharaviaya, Málaga, Spain.
Location: GoogleMaps


Saturday 20.04.2019   10:00 - 19:00

  • Opening circle and getting to know each other
  • Getting to know the land Finca la Sacristía
    • A little history
    • The PERMACULTURE Philosophy
    • The PERMACULTURE Ethics
    • What is sustainability?


  • Why planting a tree if you can plant an ecosystem! (practical)
  • Understanding LIVING SYSTEMS
    • Methods of design
  • Food Forest
    • What is it?
    • Why we need one?
    •  How to start one in a arid / semi arid zone?
      • Pioneer plants
      • Succession

During the workshop we will serve you very delicious organic vegan food and offer accommodation. All on a donation basis.


    • Workshop 60.-€

How to get to the FINCA LA SACRISTÍA


Daniel Stocker is a Swiss musician - double bass player - living in Málaga, who has been working on various permaculture projects in the Axarquía for more than five years. His main project is Monte Alegre, where he designed the water retention landscape and coordinated the permaculture work with his accumulated experience. The Forest Garden Project Monte Alegre is 4 years old and has more than 500 plants that are only irrigated with collected rainwater! After several years of voluntary work in other projects and participation in permaculture workshops and seminars that fascinated him - such as the seminar on water retention landscapes in Tamera (Portugal) - he started to advise companies and private individuals. His main focus is on soil regeneration including the reproduction of native microorganisms, the creation of water retention landscapes, reforestation and the creation of forest gardens in dry zones.


by email:

by cell phone:
+34 / 659 10 98 09

10.07.2021 WORKSHOP: Water Retention Landscape


Understanding waters worth

Thank you so much for beeing part of the change!

In this workshop held by Daniel Stocker, coordinator of various permaculture projects in and around the Axarquía in Málaga (Monte Alegre, Los Rosales...), you will learn about water retention landscape. We will see the creation  of a 128m long swale and put hands on togehter.

Saturday 10th of July 2021
at the Finca Nacencia near Periana, Malaga, Spain.
Location: You'll get the location as soon you subscribe.


Saturday  10.07.2021   09:00 - 17:00

  • Opening circle and getting to know each other.
    • Small tour through the site and having a look on the earthwork
    • Learning about different techniques to measure contour lines
      • A-Frame
      • Water tube
      • Laser-Level
    • Practical part
      • Planting pioneer trees and shrubs.
      • Fine tune and levelling the swale.
  • Lunch
    • Theory

      • Why we need Water Retention Landscapes?
      • What measures there are, how to calculate and implement them?
      • We learn in detail how a swale works and how do calculate them.
      • We learn to choose the right plants for your project in your climate.
  • Closing  circle.

Price on donation basis (orientation):

-Workshop: 60.-€
-Food : 8.-€

We will serve you a delicious vegetarian Biological meal:
-Salad, stew, bread, cake or dessert with coffee/tea

Minimum participants: 5
Maximum participants: 10



Daniel Stocker, from Switzerland, is working since more than five years on different Fincas in the Axarquía. His main project is Monte Alegre, where he applies his collected experience from working as a volunteer or attending as a student in workshops and seminars. For example in Tamera (Portugal), Lilleoru (Estonia), La Flessyer (France) amongst others. His main focus is on Water Retention Landscaping and reforestation, creating food forests in arid zones.


by email:

by cell phone:
+34 / 659 10 98 09 (Rakel)
+34 / 661 420 391 (Daniel)



Learn how to do a grey water treatment plant

In this workshop held by Daniel Stocker, coordinator of different permaculture projects in and around the Axarquía in Málaga (Monte Alegre, Los Rosales...), you will learn all about grey water treatment plants. Ready to implement your own small wetland for your house hold. You will get the theory and the chance to get your hands on!

28th of de may 2021
In Maro
The exact ubication we will share with you as soon you do your reservation.


Friday 28.05.2021 (10:00h - 19:00h)

  • Opening the course
  • Theory
    • What is grey water and black water?
      • What can you do with that water?
      • Why use sewage water?
    • Different possibilities to treat sewage water.
      • Focus on the septic tank and alternatives to it.
      • Constructed wetland and leach fields
    • How to choose the best one for you?
    • ...
  • Practical part
    • Creating an septic tank out of cheap plumbing materials and twoIBC tanks.
    • Install the constructed wetland together with bath tops.

Please bring your food for the day with you. It would be also nice to share food with all the participants.

NOTE: There are limited places. Please make your reservation as soon as possible and save your one!

INDICATIVE PRICES (all based on donations):

    • Workshop 50.-€


Daniel Stocker es un músico suizo -contrabajista de jazz- afincado en Málaga que trabaja desde hace más de cinco años en diferentes fincas de Permacultura de la Axarquía. Su proyecto principal es Monte Alegre, donde ha diseñado el paisaje de retención de agua en una finca donde el río seco que la atraviesa creaba mucha erosión, y coordina los trabajos de permacultura aplicando su experiencia acumulada. El proyecto del bosque comestible de Monte Alegre cuenta con 4 años de antigüedad y más de 500 árboles plantados y regados solo con el agua que se recoge de la lluvia a través de estas técnicas!

Además, coordina varios proyectos de Permacultura por la zona y asesora a cada vez más personas, asociaciones y empresas interesadas en gestionar los recursos naturales de manera sostenible.

Su enfoque principal es la regeneración del suelo, incluyendo la reproducción de microorganismos autóctonos; el paisajismo de retención de agua -estudios que ha hecho en el biotopo de sanación de Tamera (Portugal)-; y, la reforestación, especializado en la creación de bosques de alimentos en zonas áridas.


by email:

by cell phone:
+34 / 661 420 391

14.05.2021 Workshop: Microorganisms

14.05.2021 Workshop: Microorganisms

Get a very practical expirience with microorganisms

In this workshop held by Daniel Stocker, coordinator of different permaculture projects in the Axarquia region of Malaga (Monte Alegre, Los Rosales...), you will learn how to reproduce and use microorganisms you can find your self in the forest. You will learn how to apply it and why it is so important to us to have them around and in us.

May 14th 2021
Held at Molino Jesus y Maria near Periana, Malaga, Spain.


Friday 14.05.2021 (15:00h - 19:00h)

    • What are microorganisms made for?
      • What is the soil food web?
      • How do they interact with our plants?
      • We cultivate the soil not the plant! Agri-Culture (Soil-Culture)
      • Fermentations vs Composts
    • Practical part
      • Reproducing microorganisms a la Jairo Restrepo.
      • Creating our own BioFertilizer.
      • Smelling, touching, tasting...


After the workshop we will serve you a very tasty organic dinner.

NOTE: Places are limited. Please make your reservation as soon as possible.

INDICATIVE PRICES (all based on donations)
Workshop (Dinner included): 50.-€

Daniel Stocker, from Switzerland, is working since more than five years on different Fincas in the Axarquía. His main project is Monte Alegre, where he applies his collected experience from working as a volunteer or attending as a student in workshops and seminars. For example in Tamera (Portugal), Lilleoru (Estonia), La Flessyer (France) amongst others. His main focus is on Water Retention Landscaping and reforestation, creating food forests in arid zones.


by email:

by cell phone:

+34 / 661 420 391
+34 / 659 10 98 09

28. – 31.01.2021 Workshop: Rocket-Stove

28. - 31.01.2021 Workshop: Rocket-Stove

The most efficient way to heat with wood!

Learn all the steps to build a rocket stove, a super efficient inertia heating system based on wood. These traditional stoves, widely used in the Nordic countries, burn the fuel quickly at high temperature, storing the heat in a dense mass, thus obtaining high performances. From the hand of Pablo Bernaloa, from, follows all the steps for its manufacture in this complete formation.

Place: Alfarnatejo, Malaga
Price: 200.- Euro for the whole day (lunch not included)

If you are interested or have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us!


28.01.2021 Thursday 09:00 - 18:00

    • WelcomeRocket Stove Theory
    • Lunch
    • A small tour of our permaculture farm
    • Rocket Stove Workshop: Theory

29.01.2021 Friday 09:00 - 18:00

    • Rocket Stove Workshop: Practical
      • The beginning

30.01.2021 Saturday 09:00 - 18:00

    • Rocket Stove Workshop: Practical

31.01.2021 Sunday 09:00 - 18:00

    • Rocket Stove Workshop: Practical
      • Completion of the work and first test fire of the rocket stove.

You will see the whole process; from the first brick to the plaster and its operation.

* Food: For a minimum price we offer you delicious food!

    • Breakfast: 5 euros / day
    • Lunch: 5 euros / day
    • Dinner: 5 ? / day
    • Or, for only 13 euros / day, if you decide to eat all the meals in our kitchen.

Please let us know as soon as possible if you want to enjoy our rich offer to plan as best as possible.
And tell us if you have allergies or a special diet.

If you need an accommodation:
Single room on the finca: 100.- € for all the nights
Double room on the finca: 130.- € for all the nights
Room of our neighbour: 30.- € / night
For more information, please contact us.


More info about Specialists in the construction of inertia stoves and plasters with natural materials. Together with our network of collaborators we can execute complete sustainable construction projects. read more...



cell phone:
+34 / 659 10 98 09 (Rakel)
+34 / 661 420 391 (Daniel)



help to heal nature

In this workshop held by Daniel Stocker, coordinator of various permaculture projects in and around the Axarquía in Málaga (Monte Alegre, Los Rosales...), you will learn about water retention landscape and food forest. We will do a swale togehter.

Saturday 16th of January 2021
at the Finca Molino Jesus y Maria near Periana, Malaga, Spain.
Location: GoogleMaps


Saturday  16.01.2021   11:00 - 17:00

  • Opening circle and getting to know each other.
  • Water Retention Landscape
    • Why we need that.
    • What measures there are, how to calculate and implement them.
    • We will create a little  swale together.  (in practice)
  • Food Forests
    • What is a food forest
    • How to start one
      • How to create plant guilds
      • How to choose the right species.
  • Closing  circle.

Price on donation basis (orientation):

-Workshop incl. food 55.-€



Daniel Stocker, from Switzerland, is working since more than five years on different Fincas in the Axarquía. His main project is Monte Alegre, where he applies his collected experience from working as a volunteer or attending as a student in workshops and seminars. For example in Tamera (Portugal), Lilleoru (Estonia), La Flessyer (France) amongst others. His main focus is on Water Retention Landscaping and reforestation, creating food forests in arid zones.


by email:

by cell phone:
+34 / 659 10 98 09 (Rakel)
+34 / 661 420 391 (Daniel)



A holistic, ethical design science

In this workshop held by Daniel Stocker, coordinator of various permaculture projects in and around the Axarquía in Málaga (Monte Alegre, Los Rosales...), you will learn about permaculture, its philosophy and ethics. We will immerse ourselves in the world of microorganisms and start a compost.

Saturday 19th of December 2020
at the Finca Molino Jesus y Maria near Periana, Malaga, Spain.
Location: GoogleMaps


Saturday the 19.12.2020 11:00 - 17:00

  • Opening of the course
  • Dynamics to get to know us
  • Getting to know the Molino Jesus y Maria property
  • A little story
    • The PERMAKULTUR philosophy
    • The PERMAKULTUR-Ethics
    • What is sustainability?
  • build a Johnson-Su bioreactor! (Practical)

LUNCH: We serve you a very tasty vegetarian organic dish.

  • Soil formation
    • Get to know different types of compost
    • Dive into the soil life! (microscopy)
    • Understanding living systems
    • Permaculture and conventional agriculture in comparison.
      • Design methods

indicative prices:

-Workshop incl. food 55.-€



Daniel Stocker, from Switzerland, is working since more than five years on different Fincas in the Axarquía. His main project is Monte Alegre, where he applies his collected experience from working as a volunteer or attending as a student in workshops and seminars. For example in Tamera (Portugal), Lilleoru (Estonia), La Flessyer (France) amongst others. His main focus is on Water Retention Landscaping and reforestation, creating food forests in arid zones.


by email:

by cell phone:
+34 / 659 10 98 09 (Rakel)
+34 / 661 420 391 (Daniel)

20.09.2020 Workshop: Soil Fertility

20.09.2020 Workshop: Soil Fertility

Learn what is and how to create fertility!

In this workshop held by Daniel Stocker, coordinator of different permaculture projects in the Axarquia region of Malaga (Monte Alegre, Los Rosales...), you will learn everything about the fertility of the soil and how to create it at a minimum cost. Hot compost, static compost, worm compost, fermentations and compost tee.

September 20th 2020
Held at Finca La Sacristía near Macharaviaya, Malaga, Spain.
Location: GoogleMaps


Sunday 20.09.2020 (10:00h - 14:00h)
Optional: Tour of the Sacristy farm and lunch (14:00h - 18:00h)*

  • Opening of the course
    • Introduction to OffGrid Power Solutions (with Dr. Hamzeh Alavirad)
    • Theory Fertility
      • What is the soil food web?
      • How to identify the bugs?
      • What are the "good guys and bad guys"?
      • ...
    • Practical part
      • Create a hot compost
      • See the worm compost and static compost


  • Tour
    • We show you the Finca Sacristia with its elements
    • We explain some elements in datalle and their interconnection in the system.
    • Nursery
    • Dry toilet
    • Food Forest
    • Swales
    • and more!

During the workshop we will serve you a very tasty organic vegan snack.

NOTE: Places are limited. Please make your reservation as soon as possible and keep yours!

INDICATIVE PRICES (all based on donations)
Tour of the Sacristy Farm: 25.-€
Workshop: 40.-€
Lunch: Feel free to give what you can!

Daniel Stocker, from Switzerland, is working since more than five years on different Fincas in the Axarquía. His main project is Monte Alegre, where he applies his collected experience from working as a volunteer or attending as a student in workshops and seminars. For example in Tamera (Portugal), Lilleoru (Estonia), La Flessyer (France) amongst others. His main focus is on Water Retention Landscaping and reforestation, creating food forests in arid zones.


by email:

by cell phone:

+34 / 661 420 391
+34 / 659 10 98 09