28 – 29 AUGUST 2021: Cultivating community: from I to We

28 – 29 AUGUST 2021

Come and meet the new emerging projects and weave the web of change at the European Ecovillages Meeting? (this summer online, you know why).

(there will be simultaneous translation into Spanish ?)

We are waiting for you

? Let’s continue to NETWORK ?

IKI-GAIA Eko-plan for planetary eco-heritage

Living in a tribe, doing what we like and developing our gifts and talents, feeling useful until the end of our days and integrated in a community, are guarantors of happiness/longevity.

After 10 years of experimenting community life in rented and ceded spaces, promoting permaculture, sustainable living and the recovery of our sovereignties by example, and investigating land and legal/administrative strategies to carry out a holistic ecovillage project on rustic land where we can focus on water retention and regeneration of our environment, the time has finally come to give birth to IKI-GAIA in a space of our own!

In Spain, as in a large part of the planet, it is very complicated to start projects in rural areas (and even more so in collective projects) due to the legal obstacles we find when it comes to building. Hence, our model of alternative educational project (free school) + sustainable human settlement (ecovillage), which already has urban viability, is a great opportunity to promote rural repopulation and job creation, as well as to facilitate living in coherence to all beings who feel called to return to the land and cultivate their food and health in an environment of nature, respect and mutual support.

Although nowadays many people approach this type of project because they see it as a “way out” to survive the collapse of civilisation and the systemic crisis we are experiencing, we want to notice that more than a way out, for us it is a way in, an invitation to live in coherence with our most human values and principles, those that have allowed the continuation of the species.

IKI-GAIA is a warm invitation to connect with your ikigai (reason for being or life purpose), to develop your unique gifts and talents and to live in TRIBU embracing all generations, as we have always done if we look a little further back in history.

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