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“Save Our Food”

"Save Our Food"

Activist, speaker, poet and practitioner of ancestral healing arts ...

Henna Maria

Henna will be sharing about the Save Our Food initiative

About Henna

Henna Maria is an activist, speaker, poet and practitioner of ancestral healing arts, which she learnt apprenticing with the Shipibo tribe in the Amazon rainforest. Now Henna and her husband Richard run their own healing sanctuary Wistin Origins in the mountains of Andalucía. In 2019 Henna founded Dawn of Peace, a creative community and peace organisation. Her advocacy focuses on the spiritual reality of life, human and animal rights, medical freedom and self-sovereignty. In 2021, Henna founded the international Police for Freedom movement – educating police and civilians about our natural rights in order to rehumanise our societies and restore trust between the security forces and the people. Henna is also one of the co-creators of the We Are Human We Are Free campaign of nonviolent resistance. Henna's latest endeavour, in July 2022, has been to launch a Universal initiative for food sovereignty - Save Our Food.

Food Sovereignty Workshop

Food Sovereignty Workshop

Farmer, Permaculturist, ...

Davud Paris

Food sovereignty aims to give back to the consumer the ability to decide and control what they put on the table, above the big agro-industrial producers and economic interests.
Learn the importance and the way to achieve food sovereignty, with examples that are already being developed in the Malaga area.

About David

David Paris, permaculture farmer in Maro, co-founder of the association Eco Axarquía and the project Bio Agricultura Maro.

Leaping through life

Leaping through life

Heart of the forest, dancer of life ...

Rafael Jimenez

In this dance, which lasts less than 1 hour, we will “jump” to the traditional music and rhythms of a famous dance company.
This very funny dance is made for kids and not so kids. ?

About Rafael

Wisdom Healing Qigong and the Five Organ Sound Healing

Wisdom Healing Qigong and the Five Organ Sound Healing

Healer, Artist, Life Traveller ...

Sabine Tukovits Fischer

In the 1970s, Grandmaster Dr. Pang Ming, a physician trained in both Eastern and Western medicine, recognized the enormous benefit for the masses of these healing technologies and synthesized the best of these ancient practices into the modern, easily accessible Zhineng (Wisdom Healing) Qigong. This system was taught primarily to practitioners with chronic or terminal conditions in an intensive retreat setting.
This is pro-active health care you can start now. Wisdom Healing Qigong is the most self-empowering practice available because you access the power of your mind, the power of your heart, and the creative life force energy within you, so you can enjoy the improvement of healthy energy flow, more resilience, and less stress in spite of the “storms” raging around us.
We will experience the Five Organ Sound Healing Method and transform our emotions of hatred and greed into joy and connection, transform from fear and shock into cautious and willpower, transform from worry and anxiety into thoughtfulness and openness, transform from anger and hatred into courage and transform from grief, depression and sadness into compassion and knowing.

About Sabine

I started my training at the "Academy of Holistic Life and Healing" and the "Artemis Heilpraktiker Lehrinstitut" in Germany. In these academies I acquired the medical knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathology and differential diagnosis with the title of Heilpraktiker in order to lay a solid foundation for my further education in the field of holistic and natural disciplines. In 2008 I successfully passed the alternative medical examination in Germany.
I received training in classical homeopathy with the Heilpraktiker (alternative
practitioner) Manfred Klein in Germany and further online training with ArsCurandi - Carl Classen Germany and Rajan Sankaran from India.
Recognised as a naturopath and homeopath, I worked for several years mainly with people with chronic illnesses, becoming more and more specialised and obtaining excellent results in increasing their quality of life.
Afterwards I trained at the Shiatsu school in Austria with Dr. Eduard Tripp and at the European School of Shiatsu in Gran Canaria for three years with Adelina Tabraue, Brian Carling and Gill Croft from England.
I acquired the international Qigong teaching certificate at the Institute of Qigong for Health in Barcelona with Nuria Leonelli, and then studied and practised different forms with Daisy Lee and Mingtong Gu.
When I was initiated in the Munay Ki (way of the heart) of the Andean tradition,
followed by Yachay and then other initiations, I became as the Pacos Queros (Andean healers) call it a guardian of the earth. Since then I am initiating groups or individuals in these 9 rites of the Munay to find their own essence or their own heart. Among my teachers I can name Miguel Valls, Don Alejandro, Niccolas Paucar and Don Mariano Quispe from Peru, teaching me practical techniques and philosophy of the Andean cosmovision.
For years I have been teaching Qigong classes, individual Shiatsu sessions,
homeopathy consultations, giving Munay Ki initiations and leading guided meditation groups. In all this time I had the opportunity to develop a great experience in the field of stress disorders, chronic pathologies, anxiety, Parkinson's, infectious diseases, allergies, gynaecological disorders, metabolic diseases, migraine, rheumatism,
digestive problems, psychological disorders, depression, insomnia, etc.
I speak German, Spanish, English and Italian.

IKI-GAIA EDUCATIONAL COMMUNITY: A dream including all generations comes true.

IKI-GAIA EDUCATIONAL COMMUNITY: A dream including all generations comes true.

Anthropologist, journalist, active mother ...

Rakel Domínguez

how can we promote the new educational model that is emerging and that the planet needs?

During this circle talk Rakel, the main promoter and driving force behind the manifestation of the holistic project IKI-GAIA, will share with the support of some of her travelling companions and shipmates, the beginnings of this new journey growing as a cooperative of mothers and fathers in a Health-Action-Biotope of more than 230 hectares where all adults are referents for our children and teenagers. An educational project whose reason to be is to accompany each individuality in the process of discovering their gifts and talents and to encourage the development of BEING in order to achieve our life mission, the one that drives us to LIFE.

During this space, as well as getting to know some of the schools and projects that have inspired the founders of this project, we will investigate together about whether we need the structure of the school to accompany the learning process of our children, about the importance of becoming aware of the way in which we bring beings into the world to make a real change and create a new model of society, about whether we need a tribe for upbringing... and much more!

About Rakel

Free soul, explorer and traveler, journalist and anthropologist, permaculturist heart, nutritionist, companion and facilitator of processes, her being feels universal mother at the service of the new humanity that is emerging.

Among her entrepreneurships the Gaia Learning Community, an educational project of free pedagogy that is based on permaculture and the discovery of ikigai (purpose of life or reason for being) and the gifts and talents of each being, which after completing her 4th year of operating has begun a process of transformation growing into ecovillage and towards a school of life for all generations.

In addition, she is the main promoter of the Spanish platform GAIA-VESAD that has emerged as a result of the pandemic to create a network between the group of professionals in the field of education and groups of people living with dependent children who want to exercise their right to choose the best education for them (including home schooling), to promote together the new educational paradigm and the change that the planet and humanity need.

IKI-ǴAIA, a replicable ecovillage model with a very innovative holistic approach adapted to the transitional times we live in and with a Healing Biotope as the cornerstone of the vision, is their big baby.
This project, which he has been dreaming and designing for more than 13 years, and the last few years together with his partner and father of his son through the association they founded, Semilla Monte Alegre, and which has already manifested itself with the purchase of more than 240 hectares of land, is the fruit of a lifetime's journey.

Promoting permaculture and regeneration of the planet, the holistic development of the being, as well as the recovery of sovereignty in the areas of food, health, energy and, with special emphasis, in education to promote rural repopulation and the development of sustainable settlements around rural educational projects and the return to the land in complete coherence, is their raison d'être.


Maria Völk

Maria Völk

Pensioned teacher, caretaker of mother earth and model of peace ...

“Preparing raw-vegan food basics”

Why raw? There are so many reasons ?
Better food quality ( heat destroys vitamins and enzymes)
Natural food quality ( less/ no need for salt or spices)
Less preparation and clean-up
Reverse of chronic diseases possible ( heart, canacer, diabetes, skin-diseases)
Better immune system and better digestion
Good for the environment ( less packaging, not heat, energy-saving)

??‍?  Seed-milk, sundried bread, buckwheat crunchy and energy balls

( about 1 hour)

About Maria

Pensioned teacher, long-term experience in vegetarian and vegan cooking and giving food-courses.

Álvaro Gonzalez Alcón

Álvaro Gonzalez Alcón

This summer don't let your fruit spoil ...

Workshop on the design and construction of a solar dehydrator

This summer don't let your fruit get spoiled ...

Workshop about the design and construction of a solar dehydrator.

In this workshop we will address the following subjects :

Brief introduction of who we are and what we do.
Explanation of how food dehydration works. Simple and enjoyable explanation for all ages.
Presentation of the solar dehydrator that we have built and explanation of its parts and how they are made. Ideas to build a solar dehydrator yourself.
Brief practice where we will prepare fruit to dehydrate it during the meeting.
Doubts and questions.

The approximate duration of the workshop is 2 hours.

About Alvaro

My name is Álvaro, I live in the rural area of Valle de Guadalhorce in Málaga. I have been developing food dehydration technology for the last 10 years, and creating synergies with farmers in the area to be able to take advantage of the harvests with dehydration. I collaborate with various groups in my area to create solutions for a more sustainable and loving life.

Contact: Alvaro G. Alcón
Tel: +34 653 92 02 72

RIE Ecovillage Summer Gathering 2022


Here we share part of the RIE programme so that you can get organised for your arrival and departure and don’t miss anything!

In the coming days we will be completing the details (what day and time each speaker will give their workshop and all the activities will take place).

There are still some openings for workshops! If you want to give a talk or workshop on a topic related to the 5 dimensions of sustainability, at a social level, economic worldview or world transformation do not hesitate to contact us by email to tell us your proposal!

Down you find some of the speakers and talks that we have already confirmed!

Click on the workshop that resonates with you to know more about the proposal 😉

Click here to register before Monday 5th,  if our proposal resonate with you!!

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Estás preparado o preparándote para probar una temporada o unirte a cocrear un proyecto de futuro en el sur de España con nosotr@s …
YA?, en 1 mes?, en 6 meses? para empezar el próximo curso escolar con nosotr@s?, el próximo año?, en 2/3 años?

Si quieres reservarte una plaza como pioner@ en la 1ª fase del proyecto,  (próximos 24 meses) o a partir del 2º o 3 año, a qué esperas para contactarnos por mail?

Para ver mas detalles de los modelos de participación que hemos abierto pincha en el siguiente enlace.



? El gran sueño común que nos impulsa a la acción siguiendo nuestro ikigai (razón de SER o propósito de vida) desde hace tantos años sigue manifestándose en toda su belleza en este nuevo ciclo de abundancia, bendiciones y materialización.? Bienvenido a escribirnos si es tiempo para tí de sincronización y manifestación:

<p>La mejor forma de iniciar el acercamiento con nosotr@s es participando en alguno de los encuentros online que hemos abierto en 4 idiomas. Para ello, solo te pedimos que rellenes este CUESTIONARIO (si no lo has hecho ya)nAquí puerdes ver la agenda de ENCUENTROS ONLINE ABIERTOS (a no socios) prevista para este mes y el mes siguiente.nCada mes ofrecemos 4 presentaciones sobre la visión, proyectos claves y proceso actual de IKI-GAIA en 4 idiomas: español, inglés, francés y alemán.nTe animamos a que te reserves ya una cita con nostr@s en tu calendario!!n</p>


<p>Si sientes el llamado a cocrear un proyecto de ecoaldea a punto de materializar el gran Sueño común en una tierra propia abundante de agua, infraestructuras, bosque y con capacidad de acoger cientos de sueños, o simplemente a apoyarnos, te recomendamos que inicies/aceleres el proceso de acerca-acierto haciéndote socio simpatizante para que podamos iniciar el proceso formalmente y podamos compartir la información ampliada sobre los modelos de participación, la cuota de entrada, la línea temporal, etc. y con toda la información y cuentas claras, puedas valorar si esta propuesta es una opción para tí y tu familia.n</p>


<p>Si lo que vas viendo y escuchando, y sobre todo sintiendo en tu corazón resuena contigo, como tercer e indispensable paso, te invitamos a participar en el encuentro íntimo presencial de la ecoaldea IKI-GAIA que organizamos una vez al mes. Para ello, has debido cumplimentar los pasos anteriores.</p>



Os dejamos la agenda de ENCUENTROS ONLINE ABIERTOS (a no socios) prevista para este mes y el siguiente para que puedas asomarte, sentir y decidir si quieres que continuemos el proceso de acerca-acierto o colaborar con nosotr@s.

Os recordamos a los que ya habéis dado el pasito de haceros socios simpatizantes o estáis valorando hacerlo, que en nuestro encuentro mensual podremos profundizar en el conocernos, ver las posibles sinergias y colaboracioes que puedan surgir y, sobre todo, será el momento ideal para resolver las posibles dudas e inquietudes que os puedan surgir.

Mira aquí la próxima fecha del ENCUENTRO ONLINE ÍNTIMO de este mes y del siguiente y ve preparando las preguntas.
!!Respondemos dudas en 5 idiomas (español, francés, alemán, inglés e italiano ;)!!


Alineados con nuestros ikigais individuales, grupales y planetarios, con enfoque, decisión y strong determinación de nuestra misión, y respetando siempre los procesos individuales, os animamos a seguir siempre el camino del corazón y establecer vías de cooperación con IKI-GAIA si así lo sentis..

Bendiciones a tod@s l@s que habeis creìdo en Semilla Monte Alegre y aportado LUZ al proceso ???

Sigamos inspiràndonos un@s de otr@s tejiendo la RED y cooperando con el nuevo paradigma que està emergiendo ?

Y que la carta llena de profundidad bendiciones y buenos deseos que nos entregaron los dueños a la compra y os compartimos a continuación confirma.